Six Papa John's restaurants abruptly closed for business

Doesn’t look like it

They are still frivolous and silly any way you cut it. People file suits against others for the dumbest crap in the hopes of making an easy buck, or million. As said above, it’s definitely one of the biggest issues with society here in the states. People try to pull one over on the next person.

I work for an insurance company (IT obviously) and have had to convert surveillance footage to readable formats for lawyers…some of the crap I’ve seen is just asinine. One lady tripped over those rubber mats they have at like Subway, etc. was COMPLETELY fine, but as soon as she caught sight of another customer…immediately started rolling around acting like she had been stabbed. Think of soccer players faking injury, this was her. Luckily, she didn’t win that case IIRC. But how many people DO win cases like that? I’m sure more than a handful which is why people continue to ‘act’ and file lawsuits.

no they aren’t frivolous any way you cut it. the frivolous ones get thrown out of court usually before they see the light of day, or the people loose and end up owing a lot of money (even better imo when that happens). if you actually looked up the facts in cases that you think are frivolous where the people suing won, i bet your mind would be changed on them very quickly, instead your going to use examples where people lost there cases and just say i bet people win like his :rofl

This wasn’t a lawsuit, places just werent making money/poor management.

Even says so in the article.

Shutting down without notice is just dirty, even employees didnt know they didnt have a job until they showed up that morning.

I don’t see any lawsuit here. You can be fired for any reason at any time as long as it is not based on age, sex or race

Edit: Not worth it…NVM :lol. You’re a law student IIRC so you’ll obviously look at it from that perspective.

Doms / Little Bites > Shitty chain pizza


People get fired everyday. Business’ fail every day. Go get a fucking new job.

Deliver pizzas for inferno or paesans instead of wasting time on the news.

the garlic sauce doe…

Not to mention the two on the news were managers. They obviously saw the numbers the place was doing, it’s their fault for not leaving and getting another job. Instead they just sat on their asses hoping the owner would just keep losing money and paying their salaries.

Exactly. Even as an employee with half a fucking brain you can tell when shit isn’t adding up, and when you are making shit for money you should always be looking for a new gig anyways.

Oh because you know all the fucking details?

Shut the fuck up you turd, you have no idea what ‘numbers’ they were doing or how successful the businesses were.

It’s a shitty thing to do to just board up your stores and leave your employees high and dry with no warning.

You’re like captain hindsight only with more cocksucking.

That was intended for sbardy but it goes equal for you too now you dumb cunt

shut up you fuckin knob, own a business someday instead of sucking your bosses cock and driving around in a car the color of a penis.

Shitty thing to do yes, but they should have known. Its like your wife fucking all of your friends when your at work and coming home to her cooking them dinner with your buddy wearing your clothes.

you’d probably just sit down and continue to eat the ramen noodles right?

its not like that at all, and the type of people managing franchises probably have no fucking clue how their sales and store revenue relate to the owner’s other businesses even within the same franchise

quit talking out of your asshole just because you own (or owned, i dont know and frankly I dont give one single fuck) a business

sounds like some shady shit went down to close so abruptly, and clearly the managers didnt see it coming, so fuck off

eat my ass.

people who manage a fucking franchised business know the numbers better than someone who works for a private business.

people that manage their business, or their store know their numbers well, sure

but when you’re held by a larger business, and that business isn’t doing so well, you don’t have a fucking clue when the rug can be pulled out from under you

that’s my point

now fuck off

This thread got good