
I thought Harrison’s personal foul was awesome and worth the penalty for the fact that it’ll add to Harrison’s legend. It was an alpha dog act… he basically made Fransisco his bitch. I was expecting Franscisco to have to hold onto Harrison’s pocket for the rest of the night.

thank you for pointing these two things out. he calls some horrible horrible plays

:doh: where are the punches??? Pay attention to when the ball is actually downed, Moore calls for the fair catch but backs off… then Adams comes in and bobbles the ball and downs it on like the 1 yard line. Imo Harrison did nothing wrong till Fransisco gets back up the last time and Harrison gives him a little shove

ok well the palm strike thing was alittle excessive but i guess thats legal, but that throat slam was bullshit. I dont care who you are, if you think thats right and ok to do, there is something wrong with you.

Now some ppl are saying something happened to harrison earlier in the play, like someone kicked him or tried to take out his knees. If thats the case, then some retaliation i can see justified, but since i did not see what happened ealier i can not take back my original statement calling that unjustified

ya there was another play over by the sidelines were Harrison got kicked & retaliated

Harrisons a fucking animal,. That call was total bullshit.

Fucking right! What he did to get that personal foul was great… I loved it… made me proud I wore his jersey!

harrison is as intense as porter but way more powerful and talented and i’m glad he plays the way he does, that’s the way steeler linebackers have always played.