
So no threads on the greatest Superbowl I’ve seen in my LIFE!

Congrats to the greatest city on earth, “All we know how to do is win!”

(ps. did anyone else notice Fitzgerald go out of bounds about 2 times before tackling Harrison?)

I posted this in the other thread, but…

I want to find that on a t-shirt.

We got the best Team, The Best City & The Best Fans ! ! !


Yep, that would’ve been weak if they called no TD… It actually appeared that he made no effort to come back in bounds once he got pushed out to begin with. It was definitely a smart idea though, especially when you see how many guys he avoided by continuing out of bounds.

I only see five

larry ran into someone pretty hard while he was outta bounds…i said the same thing. Worst officiated game i ever saw and i’ve seen some aweful games. steelers shoulda won by 17 if the natural progression was allowed to happen. i never see troy complaining about penalties but he was clearly held on that one play and was showing his frustration. ben’s knee wasnt even close to the ground when they reversed that call but i guess that was the make up call for when he didnt score against seattle… that holding in the endzone was garbage. the steelers were held on evey play.

the nfl has refs every year that arent there the next and no one notices. they are good at keeping the shinanigans outta the news unlike the NBA. nfl refs need to become full-time employees and paid enough to not make them wanna take pay offs. i tend to wonder thou if the nfl is behind it… look how many superbowls have been very close the last decade… blowouts are bad for business… steelers were headed to a blowout.

Funny you bring up the calling, due to as I was listening to some talk radio and they mentioned how they showed no replays on the jumbo. (I know someone on here can correct me if im wrong) Why you ask? To protect the refs, people paying 800 and UP for a ticket and they show no replays… ridiculous.

My buddy claims he saw a clip last night showing the Cardinal player kicking (or something like that) James Harrison which explains why he went off and was called for the unsportsman like penality. However, I can’t find the video!

so how many superbowls have you seen in your life?

i’ve personally seen the two, my grandmother I talked to last night has seen all of them… What a experience for her.

:slight_smile: it was a great game for sure. i thought the call where they said it was an incomplete pass for warner was garbage.

heard the same call.

i remember every superbowl since the dolphins vs 49’ers superbowl 19… anything before that i was too little.

I had heard someone say that they tivo’d it and watched a card kick at his knees and try to take his knees out several times before that incident.

Also, being in a bar where I think the only 25 or so cardinal fans congregated, it was funny to hear them complain the whole time they were behind that the refs were paid off by the Steelers.



it sure looked like it to me that he was kicked first !

regardless if you are kicked or not, keep your cool. For the amount of money they make and the importance of the game, there is no need to go after someone like that. Harrison, Taylor and Farrior acting like morons could have lost the game.

I could not BELIEVE the penalty Ike took at the end of the game. And then Farrior taking off his helmet could have been a complete disaster. They were not that far from striking distance after their last completed pass. If that fumble had been ruled an incomplete pass and Farior had taken the 15 yd personal foul, that would have put them within distance to throw up one more hail mary to Fitz with 15 seconds left.

I now officially have the best screen name here STEELCITY 6

yes joe, you win the screen name contest.

win a microwave, $100, IPOD and get to be on pittspeed.