Skate pics *56k*


first off, you’re lying about that first month thing unless you count a 3 stair as a handrail and you did a frontside on it and never even got on top of it.

it may be easier yes to learn to rollerblade, but then you go do this
which is so far beyond anything on a bike or skateboard it’s rediculous… at the skatepark all i see on the bike is shitty airs, and on the skateboard is at max a kickflip over that pyramid, and most of those kids have been skateboarding for like 4 years… come on now, in one summer of skateboarding i was better than 80% of the people who actually give a shit about it

i’m glad rollerblading is on the decline too, skateboarding is something 10 year olds in elemntry school do nowadays, that an art faggots… and for bikers, wearing your sisters clothes and then sagging you pants doesn’t make you cool, it makes you a bunch of homos


This post sucks, your username sucks, you suck.