Skate pics *56k*


um. that shit isn’t easy man. i know a lot of people who have beens kating a long time and can’t do a fucking flip trick onto a rail. its about balance and ability, and balls. i’ll repeat, its not easy. this shit is no joke, its not like rollerblading or something.


hahahahaha i skateboarded for like 2 months in the summer and what you’re saying is i’m better than you at skateboarding ahahahahahahahahahaha you even take that shit seriously… if i commited a 3rd of the time it took for me to get good at rollerblading and devoted it to skateboarding i would be pro since apparently doing tricks in videos is completely impossible, especially if you can do a kickflip and a boardslide… god knows you couldn’t just fuck it and huck it til you got it, you gotta cry about it and make excuse

man you do it to be cool, it’s obvious, and it doesn’t make you cool because i know 11 year old boys who’d put the hurt on you in skateboarding