Ski Butternut Basin 2/18

I’ll be heading to the mountain to ski on Thursday if anyone would like to join. It’s $35 for college students with coupon and ID. Cheapest riding that I have found, since it’s “presidents week” and every mountain is operating on holiday pricing.

I plan on arriving between 1130 and noon.

Let me know. I usually go by myself but wouldn’t mind company this time around.

I havent skied Butternut in years but im down. I only have my HVCC ID from lke 2 years ago think it would work?

I don’t see why not, unless it has something like 2007-2008 written on it.

Still worth a try, at worst you end up paying a little bit more

Yeah exactly what I was thinking. It dosnt say any years on it so im thinkin it should work. You wanna ride out together and split the gas?

If I end up driving alone then yeah, definitely

I’ll know by tomorrow evening.

Yeah no problem let me know.

its gonna be packed there just to let you know.
butternut attracts a lot of buses from the downstate area, and this being a holiday week, they are there in full bore.

but overall, butternut is a fun little mountain. i’ve heard the park is real nice this year.

I’ve been sick with a sore throat and head cold for the past few days, and with that being said, I’d be glad to get a good 10 runs in for 35 bucks.

So you riding solo out there tomorrow or what?

im going to bring my brother along if he wants to go. ill ask him when i get home from schoo’

So what time u gonna be leaving to go out there?

ill leave sienas campus at 10ish…

check pm

Now going to Jiminy since I failed to realize that butterballs doesn’t have night skiing

“Excuse me, do you work here?”

“Nah, I just chose to wear this obnoxiously bright red jacket.”


hahahahah that was fuckin epic. wtf that kid never saw a jiminy peak staff before?

He must have been retarded like that kid pissing in the woods in plain view

hahah damn kids. Must have been cuz of them locking those damn summit bathrooms before 9 oclock.