SKS Chinese


Ummmmm r u high ???

why do you say that?


Your price is crazy high even given the current market. There are a ton of these rifles out there and they will always be readily available.

I just based my price off of the ones that are one wanddigest they are all around that price, ok then make me an offer?

I’m not going to get into that with you since I’m really not interested in this platform of rifle. However I would strongly suggest looking on to see what they are really selling for not what some idiot listed them for on want ad.

I have seen the range of prices there a many of these guns going for 600-800 so my price being crazy high is wrong,maybe alittle high but not the way you make it sound,

That’s a 300/400 dollar rifle man

there just seem to be Alot of them selling for higher than that, but I appriecate the tip

sold the same gun 3 days ago for 300… ill give ya 250 :slight_smile:

I offer 50 bucks
everyone must be high

Those AL prices are high retail for this gun in this current market. If you really want to sell it, $400 would be the most I’d ask for it right now. Anything else and you’re just blowing smoke really, as a rifle that was worth $200 at best prior to this mess isn’t worth $800 in the current market.

Buuuuut demand determines price so if you can sell it for your previous asking price go for it but don’t expect to move it fast, especially here in NY on this forum or NYFA. People aren’t dumb…