Skull Candy Headphones for Ipod...

did best buy fire you or something?

Have these for my snowboard helmet… Do they ever thump.

I can’t hear shit!

Nope…just personal experience with them…I would never work there…Even there GeekSquad. You sell what they want you to sell…which is mainly BS

ironically enough, I was able to get my wacom tablet at best buy for about 50.00 cheaper than newegg was charging

Yeah Best Buy employee’s have the knowledge of child. If it’s shiny, it must be good…

lol im trying to get a 2nd job and i filled out a app there lol

Save yourself the retail bullshit trouble. I’m sure there is something else out there lol

turning tricks?

got mine at ecc book store, were 50$ and i got them for 40$ skullcandy themself wanted 50$ as well.

i just got a pair of the earbuds a couple weeks ago after my ipod headphones finally bit the bullet. been pretty impressed with them. good quality sound and really good bass on them as well.

I got the Skullcandy speakers for my Snowboard helmet… I can’t hear shit with them over 1/2 volume… they sound awesome for that type of headphones.

Where did you pick them up?

I need some for my iPhone and don’t want to pay $30 for the cheapo ones they have.


Thanks bro! No you are really 75% right tho lol if you guys come in to Best buy find me i speak no BS.

whats your name?

eh, just grabbed the ones from best buy. i didnt do much looking around, just went off my friends recomendation.

I have the first gen recruits, the basic over the ear headphones, and they work nicely. Full sound spectrum, not the best quality, but they’ve been through alot of beating the way I ski. However, the brand’s gone downhill, it’s wayy too popular now. Once these break it’s onto a new brand.

My work has been selling them for less than the retail stores. PM me with which ones you want and I’ll get pricing.

Some of them here:

I got the Skullcandy Inkd and wasn’t as impressed. Sounds like it’s in a tunnel.

i had those too, and they would make weird squishy sounds when id adjust them

Mind posting the prices on all them? Looking for some decent laptop/ipod headphones.