Skyrim - Who's played it?

Are there any other nerds out there that love The Elder Scrolls games?

I heard this is really good and I might buy it, but I’m worried it would make me anti-social for a month. LOL

I loved Morrowind and loved Oblivion, how does Skyrim compare?

Best. Game. Ever. It’s like crack

Yes just wait until you fight a dragon

It’s so good I came

I built a system for a customer who wanted to play this, but I’ve never played it myself.

unfortunately I doubt my current set up would do too well with this game :frowning:

I like it

This game is super popular and I dont understand why. Its a great game with awesome graphics, but I never thought a single player game, nowadays, would be this big.

Dragons are easy

funny. i said the same thing about your mom.


I agree… I need multi-player to enjoy a video game. Killing a bot is not as fun/rewarding as killing another person.

Been wasting a ton of time on this.

I’m not sure if you guys get the real size of this game. The world is so big and detailed that it never gets boring.

Well, at least Morrowind and Oblivion were that way (Elder Scrolls 3 and 4), but from what I hear this one is just as big and even more detailed.

Future murder/serial killer…