Slammed the Audi

Yes… and I can have my driveway back haha.

Wont be official until it has wheels to fill it out :tongue

Pics or it didn’t happen.

Yea we need pics befor it was just to low

Met you at gearhead the other day!!! Nice to meet you and as i said before, the car looks sick man.

Thats right! Forgot to ask if you were the same Wayne from Shift haha. Nice to meet you man! Mustangs getting some work done at the shop?

not his stang but another cobra, lol

Nah man, I’m horribly anal and have my own shop. LOL Hopefully I’ll get to see that one before it rolls outa Jay’s shop though!!!

Wayne is everywhere!!! How ya been homie??! Looks like MAAD werk being done on that Caddy. Good stuff.

OP, got pics after raising it?

I’m good dude!!! You??? Keep in touch man!!

haha nice man. I’m looking forward to seeing that thing too, should be pretty sick

No pics as of yet, Ill definitely try to get some up tomorrow