
no dream, just makin fun of ur sorry ass you fucking fag. calling me a stud now? u want to be with me? u clearly are a big ass piece of shit who does nothing but run ther fucking mouth, u will get what comes to you, dont worry

O i will? Then come give it to me u lil pussy,seriously,either STFU already back up what u say,i DO have a PM box u know?:blah: :blah:

why the need for me to come and back my shit up fool, u said i aint worth ur fucking time, im not worth ur energy, if i aint, i said come find out

why u wanna take it to PM? this is efighting, why do u soo badly want it to go there, if u do, PM me then

/ this thread


can we get a spellchecker up in the bitch?

wholey old computer screen there jeff.

and spell check ftw. ok

here it is. you guys are going to meet in between the stadiums thursday evening at 830pm you guys are gonna rumble. who ever doesnt show up is a pussy. and if you both dont show up you guys need to STFU and go fuck eachothers moms. and if you both show up. i got the camcorder to video tape.

Is ur mom involved?:x:

only on tues and thurs.

fuck i said thursday… i guess she is. ill bring her tied up with those handcuffs you got her for my parents 30th anni. :69:

I lost the key but i think the midget will have one:blue:

cliff notes

–devin loves to bring me, laura or anyone that is close to me into a thread that he’s getting ripped apart in

–justin owning Devin
– devin being afraid of justin
– devin is sober so his comebacks are lame
–devin has Eballs but none in person
–justin waiting for devin to step up to plate but that wont happen so the midget will eventually start doing drywall to occupy his time

MAG innovision 17"… im ridin dirrrrty

:zzz:this hole thread is :burnyd:

So basically u have no clue what u are talking baout once agian,get witht the program quik,u love to lie about me don’t u,well how do u call me a bitch or say i bitch out about stupid shit? I am def NOT a pussy in person,i just don’t see a point in beating ur ass becasue it it waaay toooo easy n u would call the police anyway cause ur a bitch like that,plus y fight? It it almost pointless n ucould be arrested,fuck that…if it happens it happens htough…get over urself already…u aint shit nomore:down:


U shoulda fixxed the “hole” to “Whole”:bash:

seems like someone is so sure of themself along with being full of it. youre Mr. tough guy Ethug hardness but when conforted you back out. again wasnt you the one that said you would contact the local police to impound my truck. how about you take your own advice and just do as you speak. cause the more you talk the less ppl that want anything to do with you. and you just love to add me or laura to any post you have. its funny justin points towards you then you point it towards me. its like you cant handle it…

yea let’s just leave me out of this argument:madfawk:

he cant, he likes to speak about anyone i know outside of PS. its his given PS lame attemps as usual.

just add him to your list

alright then