slow acceleration

well i was comparing my rpms to my friends rpms and his arrown goes up faster then mines and his car pulls faster. both stock 240.i checked the sparl plugs on all 4 cyclinders and they all fire but i noticed crap in 2 of my spark plugs like unburnt fuel or some fluid, the other 2 were fine. you think it can be my valves ? or i’m not gettin compression in 2 cyclinders?


check CR should be within 15psi of each other

check your cr, should be within 15psi of eachother and not too far below stock specs…

I know you want to help and all, but I think he heard you the first time, 9 minutes before the second post :lol:

wuts cr? compresion ratio? and how do i check that?

You’re supposed to check compression btw. Not CR.

Check it with a compression tester from Canadian Tire… if your local and I’m feeling generous I can lend you mine.

i’m in scarborough, i’m a noob so dunno how use the tool thingy. i just know how to read it lol. if u can help me out that would be greatly appriciated.