Small 2008 GTR.13 Meet

Had a great time, some cool guys to hang out with.
Definatly a bunch of jokers…would be glad to do it again.

So heres what we did.

  • Met up at GPK and hardparked cause we’re cool.
  • Registered, waited for a bit, than went to grab a bit to eat over at boston pizza where hell broke loose and a magician came to our table and stuck coins into daves hand.
  • Finished up, paid for our bill, went back over to GPK and kicked ass…I had the best time 22.708 (So close to beating track best)
  • Than a couple guys went home as Steve, Tom, and I headed over to Commerce to again…hardpark, and have a nice little photoshoot.
  • Security guards come to join us, and as usual…admire the vehicles
  • And finally got some good picks of my s13 aswell as the 2 other skylines…dont mind the 4x4’ness

Here are all the pics…i’ve got them hosted on my forums. Feel free to visit, no registering needed…unless wanted to :wink:

And if anyone has any questions or concerns feel free to contact me via email ( ), through my website ( ) or pm.


nice pics…your car needs lowering baddd

Lol, i know i know, i figured, i might aswell wait till the winters over…
dont worry…it will be soon enough :wink:

Cool - I saw you guys there - we were leaving as you were taking pictures in the dark.

at gpk?

nice pictures
next time bring a trippod :stuck_out_tongue:

lol yea and a better camera…had to use my shitty 3.2mp cannon.
I so need a better camera…i hate money.

yeah at gtp

ahh i see, should stopped over and said whats up…

LOL those pictures with masks please tell me that has something to do with the timbaland video with the hot bitches.

what and where is GPK?

Downsview Park is one location, Go karts :smiley:

P.S Cool pics, tripod a must.

A meet like that would’ve been cool 2 years ago.

mark you and i should have a meet like that… one or 2 s13’s and a stock s14… take pics in the woods or something… haha


Martino… I must say you look like quite the winner…

I love the constant showcasing of your stock S13 too … a real head turner!

Stock or not, i wanted some pics of it…
And how is it constant showcasing?

I had pics of it a while ago when i first got my car, and was proud of it.
And now my cars in pictures again and its like thats a bad thing?
Sorry to say im proud of my car weather it be stock or not, and unfortunalty i care apparently to much and have to many photos of it right?

We all had a blast last night and i couldn’t care much how much you didnt like my car being in photos…deal with it.
The point was for all of us just to enjoy the night, and we did.
We also, go some pretty good car shots, which was also a winner in OUR books.

Just ignore him, hes a troll.

He clearly is.

Boba, i’ve done nothing atall to even spark your hatred other than love my own vehicle. Personally i dont find this offensive, i find it bothersome. You seem to hate on my STOCK S13, yet i’ve yet to see a picture of your vehicle…and of you enjoying it. Weather it be better than my S13, i really couldn’t care, i’m the one proud of what I own.

I’m not sure exactly why you’ve chosen to bicker and bash, but frankly i find having fun is far more important than looking cool so to speak. Thats exactly what we did that night, and thats exactly what we did the other night. My old thread when i first posted pics of my car. You seem to have hated it on pretty bad…Why so? There’s nothing wrong with it, its clean, no rust, not riced out, its stock. How can you hate a stock S13?

I’m asking you as an adult, stop with the childish bickering and enjoy things for a chance.
