Small 2008 GTR.13 Meet

Had a great time, some cool guys to hang out with.
Even though im from SON, an s13 is never to be ashamed of :wink:
Definatly a bunch of jokers…would be glad to do it again.

So heres what we did.

  • Met up at GPK and hardparked cause we’re cool.
  • Registered, waited for a bit, than went to grab a bit to eat over at boston pizza where hell broke loose and a magician came to our table and stuck coins into daves hand.
  • Finished up, paid for our bill, went back over to GPK and kicked ass…I had the best time 22.708 (So close to beating track best)
  • Than a couple guys went home as Steve, Tom, and I headed over to Commerce to again…hardpark, and have a nice little photoshoot.
  • Security guards come to join us, and as usual…admire the vehicles
  • And finally got some good picks of my s13 aswell as the 2 other skylines…dont mind the 4x4’ness

Here are all the pics…i’ve got them hosted on my forums. Feel free to visit, no registering needed…unless wanted to :wink:

And if anyone has any questions or concerns feel free to contact me via email ( ), through my website ( ) or pm.


Nice pics! Looks like you guys had a lot of fun. I cant wait to get my own 240sx and maybe go to some meets and take some pics. I can see it now… :cool: