small newer SUV (honda, jeep, ect)

well, of course it does when you post a pic of the ugliest and most un-common color combo.

there, that’s better

That was the first decent pic on google images :gotme:

Yep, still hideous.

Joe you’re picking the earlier ugly ones with the plastic fenders and shit. Also, last I checked this was in classified so please try to stay on topic ie. Let me know if you see a car my gf would like fs, not calling her 1st choice ugly :tup:


you realize the closest one is over 150 miles away dont’ you?

Ummm yes. Is that really a big deal for you guys? LOL Like ~3 hours drive for the car you want?

yeah, kinda…

i mean, i like elements and all… but really now. she wants it, i dont. i want to get her a rusty crv and be like bitch its better than a chrysler minvan deal with it

its $13,000 but maybe you could talk them down a bit or just put some money down on it and only finance 12k of it? its only over at west herr, wouldn’t hurt to go take a quick look see

edit: they lowered the price $400 since yesterday :tup: