small world...

I’m in east bumfuck New Mexico (also known as the shithole of the United States)
and I just ran into ex-mod Zer0Daze.

:tup: to being a cool guy, and a friggen small ass world. lol

that’s all.


wtf is he doin there…

Lol, not so cold after all.

Training for his new career in Customs/Border Patrol. Training down South and then protecting us up North.


my buddy was just down there in new mexico training, until he broke his ankle.

Man I hope he’s enjoying it Its gonna be cold when he gets to Fargo. :slight_smile:

lol, I got your voice mail Tyler about meeting him at the bar. Good stuff, haha :tup:

New Mexico sucks lol. I got trapped there once for a week

lol small world indeed. He’s a cool guy.

I feel bad for him about fargo, there is nothing to do what so ever up there… Besides busting meth lab’s
