smaller intake valve ports more power and flow?

cars with smaller valve ports have more velocity so is that better than flow?

Ford’s 1969 Boss 302 engine had intake valves that were too big. The 70 model of the same engine is more sought after because it has smaller intakes, yielding more HP.

ducatti valves are alot smaller than other bikes with same cc’s.

i always thought you wanted to get oversized valves and port as big as the casting will allow. i guess i was misled.

this tech is mostly used on race bikes and cars but i have just begun to scratch the surface.

read the vlad statisics from the first link all the way at the bottom

There’s WAY more involved in determining this. Way more. More than I care to post here on this forum.

Smaller valves doesn’t mean more power
Bigger valves doesn’t mean more power
Velocity change doesn’t mean more power

It’s what’s done TO the motor that necessitates and determines what the valve port size, shape, and length SHOULD be for the given parameters the motor is designed for. This is the most complicated and developed part of an engine design, only in comparison to that of maybe the thermal dynamics of the engine itself.

Far more in determining this than just what posted in those pages.


i just wanted to post this so people dont think porting the head is guaranteed power.

just becasue a head flows better on a flow bench does not mean it makes more power.

your post is good. and i agree its a important part of the engine design.

i would just like more opnions on this for all motor cars. say everything else was the same but ports were samller on the same engine would that make more power?

i know theres alot to consider but what other info is needed to tell if smaller valves make more power?

it’s like he gets it, but then he just tosses it up and shoots it out of the air for himself

Like Adam said, theres way too many variables. If you are looking for a one size fits all formula, you won’t find it. The cheapest and easiest way to try this is on a 2 stroke. They can be a riot if you optimize your port area/flow speeds.
