Smart homes? does anyone have any thoughts?

i am looking to pull the trigger on some new gagets for the new house and woud like to speak to pleople about some products. Has anyone installed any of the smart home type of products?

I got a rebate offer from our power company today for a free thermostat just like that and was doing some research myself.

god i love that website

bump for the work day.

:lol: :zong:

Other than “because I can” I really can’t see any reason for that thermostat to exist.

tell me why this is any better then a non-communicable programmable unit?

Even with multizone, what are the advantages to this sort of setup? Do you really need to change the environment from work / vaca beyond what a standard prog unit will do?

because i can, no really, b/c it is all part of the master plan.

I would like have the temp. and have control over the hvac.

I know its part of the master plan.

I still don’t know the reason for it to be so.

Sprinklers, lights, bath fans I can understand. I’d be more focused on a remote control electric lawn mower first.

Why? Because I can. But also because I trust my 4 period daily programmable thermostat to take care of the temps. I would never expect a need to change the temp in the house from 72 to 70 before I left work.


But no, I have no experience with your products, so I’ll stay out of it.

I will say that if you check into some home automation sites & forums, you’ll find out more about integration software, and presumably which termostat models are “best” overall for your “needs”.

Large Pecan-Cluster Blizzard says Dan will not have a “Smart Home” for his new house…

+1 Seems totally pointless when I look at how my standard programmable thermostat works.

I have considered the home automation systems for lighting and such though. Even with that I figured the novelty would wear off pretty quickly though.

:tup: fun lil website… and why the f would you spend that much on a Tstat that you can log into and change from work … lol would be funny to get someone password and turn up there house to like 85* lol

for the money i would get this

i understand your point of view. I will explain to you more when icu

404 lacking info

It is cool to show off and that is about it. Usefullness is non-existant. You shouldn’t be having big swings in your temperature anyway, a standard unit will more than do the job. Way too much $ for nothing, but tahts just my opinion…

Hah! You’ve obviously never met Dan before.

my thoughts exactly.

They could do soo much cooler shit than that.

IE … run a small server in your house that manages lights,temperature, appliances. and Access it from your iphone or laptop.

from that small server you could set it up to manage daily, weekly and yearly usages.

It’s all good till your house gets hacked…

I could see 2 times in the past month where I could have used the additional functionality. One was when I was in Vegas for the week and left the air off, it would have been nice to turn it on when I was heading home. The second was when I bug bombed my house for ants and had to shut my A/C and appliances off all day so the vapors didn’t blow up my house from a spark, when I really only needed 2 hours with them off. I suppose these niches are worth the additional cost to some people who have to have the best of the best?


Then never mind. Its probably right up your alley. :loopie: