smart water.

the monroeville mall needs one of these.


pretty neat, even though if indeed they were to place one in Monroeville Mall it would turn into a big advertisement for cochran… “One for a REASON!!!”


monroeville mall need to find tenants for the empty half of the mall first.

the jeep display at the Detroit auto show has one of these

Bring one here so I can put some dishswashing or bubble bath into it.

Sonny/Victorsmalls should know what I am refering too lol

You, Sonny, Victorsmalls and bubble bath. I don’t like the sound of this… :kekegay: :smiley:

You may actually know who I am talking about.

Paul Shaner used to dump bubble bath and dish detergent into the waterfountain & small fountaints at C3 years ago. Usually would over flow and they would haveto shut it down, drain it, scrub and refill :bowrofl:

Beat me to it, but heres a vid for those who havent seen it.

[ame=“”]YouTube - Geneva Automobile Convention 2007 Jeep Waterfall[/ame]