Smithton Hole this Saturday

Hey Is anyone headed over to the Smithton Hole this saturday night?

ahhh…I really dont thing there is anything going on there this weekend?

i think its once a month may 6th i think

No theres a rally cross goin down saturday

um rally x is sunday in WV and im going may 6th is the next event in smithton

Thats what I thought too.

Am I wrong?

Well theres some type of car race going down because I rode out there on wed. and seen it on the trailor sign


there is one in hundred WV on sunday

thank you i told you soooooooooo



lol have to laugh at the monkey thing :wackit:

i’ll be down there saturday…

i think it’s a squirrel!

The best part is seeing the monkey hanging out of his trunk at autocross :slight_smile:

Looks like he is hanging on for dear life.

The smithton whole thing seems awesome, and scary at the same time. It looks like it would be so much fun, and it looks like I woudl jack up my car so bad at the same time. makes me want to go on craigslist and just pick up some beater impreza to go.

gah hahaha thats the funniest thing ever thanks smalls lol