Smoked tail lights yay or nay

lol at your sig

no no no nooo so gay

get LED tails then spray them black if you have stock tails dont touch them i speak from exsperiance as my last coupe got rear ended cause the guy said he couldnt tell if i was stopping ( ass hat was just all doped up i had loud exhaust was down shifting and engine breaking and had stereo cranked really loud ) so dont tint your tails unless you get leds

Don’t do it. Just get Kouki tails. There’s no quick + cheap fix to try to make a 240 look better.

That 6666 car would have looked good even WITHOUT any taillights. It’s the car that makes those taillights look good, not the other way round.

even if that car was rocking EURO lights it wouldnt look that bad… nice cars make stupid things look nice - people respect most of the picture and then see little things lol