
I “quit” about 6 months ago, now I just smoke when i’m really drunk. Try not smoking for a few days then stand next to one of your co-workers indoors and you’ll find out how bad it really smells.

I’m in sales so impression is everything, so money was my motivation to quit. If I smell good, and have a nice appearance i’m going to have an easier time presenting something to a customer.

find motivation and put your mind to it and you CAN quit.


Thats what I’m down to now. I’ve been cutting back.


dude just quit if you are that worried about it. i’m no quitter. i made a commitment to smoking and i’m sticking to it dammit.


dude just quit if you are that worried about it. i’m no quitter. i made a commitment to smoking and i’m sticking to it dammit.



I quit smoking in 2002… then started back up a few days ago. then i quit again. Smelling like an ashtray sucks now just as much as it did then.

I used to smoke 2 packs a day though, and cold turkey worked the best. I’m sure it isn’t for everyone though.


I quit smoking in 2002… then started back up a few days ago. then i quit again. Smelling like an ashtray sucks now just as much as it did then.

I used to smoke 2 packs a day though, and cold turkey worked the best. I’m sure it isn’t for everyone though.


word. there’s a lot of stuff that sucks about smoking. i still like it too much though.

ps-you have pm


word. there’s a lot of stuff that sucks about smoking. i still like it too much though.

ps-you have pm


yea, the nicotine buzz is pretty nice. Plus it makes you look pretty bad ass, according to the movies. Plus, they can be used as a weapon.


ps-got it


pusssy did you burn your self one time while smoking? sorry i had to


I’ve burned myself several times smoking, and i don’t even smoke… of course when i do have a cigarette, I’m fucking shitfaced and don’t know the difference between the hot and the filter

I smoke half a pack a day. a pack every 2-3 days is what 3-4 cigs a day. I bet you dont even get headache cravings.

and Res cigs are nasty shit, if your gonna smoke at least smoke a decent cigarette


I smoke half a pack a day. a pack every 2-3 days is what 3-4 cigs a day. I bet you dont even get headache cravings.

and Res cigs are nasty shit, if your gonna smoke at least smoke a decent cigarette


i <3 res cigarettes. you find the right ones and they aren’t so bad. i bought senecas when i was unemployeed, and i never went back to marlboros. 11 bucks a carton>30 bucks a carton.


i <3 res cigarettes. you find the right ones and they aren’t so bad. i bought senecas when i was unemployeed, and i never went back to marlboros. 11 bucks a carton>30 bucks a carton.


shutup you want to quit.


i <3 res cigarettes. you find the right ones and they aren’t so bad. i bought senecas when i was unemployeed, and i never went back to marlboros. 11 bucks a carton>30 bucks a carton.


try usa golds…hah

Ugh I hate Senecas. marlboros are terrible as well.

Im a Camel guy, Turkish gold to be precise, Nice and Harsh just the way i like it

smoking is grosss and smells bad. blah. i dont even care that it’s unhealthy. i just care that it smells bad.

I love smoking


Ugh I hate Senecas. marlboros are terrible as well.

Im a Camel guy, Turkish gold to be precise, Nice and Harsh just the way i like it


you sound like my arrogant friend joe.


you sound like my arrogant friend joe.


lol truth.


dude just quit if you are that worried about it. i’m no quitter. i made a commitment to smoking and i’m sticking to it dammit.


I want the niccotine not the smoke lol. But cigs are alot chieper. puts on flame suit I didn’t want more drama so I didn’t sat it. But the niccotine really helps alot with the Tourettes when it acts up. It helps to calm me down and helps me to control it better. Almost everyone I know with Tourettes smokes for this reason. Please don’t start flamming and acting like assholes because I mentioned Tourettes. Say what you will, but unless you know first hand what I am talking about you really have no say on that subject. I won’t lie, I do enjoy smoking, but I don’t want to die of lung cancer.


I want the niccotine not the smoke lol. But cigs are alot chieper. puts on flame suit I didn’t want more drama so I didn’t sat it. But the niccotine really helps alot with the Tourettes when it acts up. It helps to calm me down and helps me to control it better. Almost everyone I know with Tourettes smokes for this reason. Please don’t start flamming and acting like assholes because I mentioned Tourettes. Say what you will, but unless you know first hand what I am talking about you really have no say on that subject. I won’t lie, I do enjoy smoking, but I don’t want to die of lung cancer.


then don’t quit? call jack and ask him what to do.


I smoke half a pack a day. a pack every 2-3 days is what 3-4 cigs a day. I bet you dont even get headache cravings.

and Res cigs are nasty shit, if your gonna smoke at least smoke a decent cigarette


I only smokes Marbs or camel. They are $3 a pack at the rez.


Hydros are ok, they take the edge off, thats about it. Demeral (sp) FTW. That shit is OMFG awsome, especially when they inject it into your I.V.



my ass hole dr wont give me anything for it…neeeeed Hydros. I love those things.



yeah I’m sitting in my living room doing shots of whiskey lol. not the healthiest thing…but my arm is hurting so fucking bad I’m in tears here.



I am on 40 mg of Aderal. I freakin LOVE it. Makes a world of differance.



I want the niccotine…the niccotine really helps alot with the Tourettes when it acts up.


Cause? Cure? What’s the difference right? :stuck_out_tongue: