
lol. in.

haha, wow…


Shortly after my surgery, So like 6 months or so. I quit for like 2 weeks but I gave in. I get em at the rez, they are $3 a pack, which lasts me like 2-3 days.


omg, a pack every 2-3 days? for 6mos? dude, just quit cold turkey. I smoked 1-1.5 packs a day, and out of the blue stopped. The first three days blow, but once you get past that, its fine…

did you stop smoking already? just quit. flat out. you dont need to spend money on patches- youve been smoking 6 months. dont spend more on quitting than on smoking.


Research shows that lung cancer is the most effective way to make people quit smoking.

did you call jack yet?


Cause? Cure? What’s the difference right? :stuck_out_tongue:


:lol: The differance is I don’t abuse my medications, and they do not cause any long term effects when not abused.


:lol: The differance is I don’t abuse my medications, and they do not cause any long term effects when not abused.


:stuck_out_tongue: Just poking fun at ya. Glad you’ve got a sense of humor. :tup: Anyhow, good luck with quitting man.

Oh I know you were just bustin my balls. It’s all good. But yeah, like I said, the niccotine has its posative effects that I like, but I don’t want to end up a singing cowboy on an anti-smoking commercial lol.

ewww that cowboy commercial is horrible.

yeah it is.

Just wait till you get one of the nastiest bronchial / sinus infections youve ever had in your entire life. And becuase you smoke, it takes longer for it to heal than normal. Than youll quit


Just wait till you get one of the nastiest bronchial / sinus infections youve ever had in your entire life. And becuase you smoke, it takes longer for it to heal than normal. Than youll quit


no…you switch to chew until it clears :tup:

I quit like a year ago, my sister tried giving me those Nicotrol Inhalers but they sucked. I would pop an altoid and put on chapstick everytime I got a craving. If you can make it the first month youre in good shape, after that cigs start tasting like crap and hurt your lungs.

you dont smoke u dumbass. i dont know where u get this from. last time i seen you smoke anything is when we made cigs with news paper and grass in ur back yard like 8 years ago.

it dissappoints me when ever i see a thread you make.

What everyone else is saying is true, quit cold turkey, it took me 3x trying cold turkey but it finally worked.

Also it is all about cutting out the habits that lead to smoking. I.E. hanging out with friends that smoke makes it real hard to quit. Driving, After eating… shit like that, have to have something else to occupy you.

Try cinnamon sticks, seriously, it works towards quenching some of the habit…


you dont smoke u dumbass. i dont know where u get this from. last time i seen you smoke anything is when we made cigs with news paper and grass in ur back yard like 8 years ago.

it dissappoints me when ever i see a thread you make.





you dont smoke u dumbass. i dont know where u get this from. last time i seen you smoke anything is when we made cigs with news paper and grass in ur back yard like 8 years ago.

it dissappoints me when ever i see a thread you make.


that’s what i’ve been waiting for :rofl:


you dont smoke u dumbass. i dont know where u get this from. last time i seen you smoke anything is when we made cigs with news paper and grass in ur back yard like 8 years ago.

it dissappoints me when ever i see a thread you make.


Sure:bloated:. We’ve hung out like 4 times in the past 5 months.

:lol: I remember that…wow. That was actually like 10-12 years ago. Damn I feel old :(.

You smoke 1 pack every 2-3 days and you cant quit cold turkey? How about me smoking a carton every 2 weeks since I was 18. And anyone on here that knows me knows the truth value of this. When im drinking and smoking i could go through two packs in a night. I quit about a month ago. you wanna know what helped me stop? mint toothpicks and sleepless nights. Man up and get it done!