omfg i need a cig so bad .... quitting sucks

so this wek i managed to get a tooth infection, which lead to cigs literaly tasting like shit

so i stopped smoking … again …

ive had like 5 ciggs since last sunday

it would help if i could get mt loritab perscription away from my mother, omfg yea that would be th sex …

lortab… goooooood

cover yourself with patches like Crusty did on a episode of the Simpsons

fucking suck it up.

i havent smoked in two months and dont even have the urge anymore.

once You get past the first week all that;s left is the MENTAL HABIT.

It’s all in your head, you dont NEED a cigarette.

I smoked for >decade and quit cold turkey, You can too.

mmmmmm cold turkey, i’m hungry…

when i went to wyotech i found some of the classroom shit quite boring … to the point that i was falling asleep in class while listening to them explain how roots superchargers work and shit

so on break i would have a smoke … which would wire me up to beat all hell … my hands would shake and iget get lightheaded for a moment

and if i had a smoke right now, id be doing the same thing …

so i know that its al mental after a few days, i have the money to go buy ciggs, and the store is a 10 minute WALK … so its not like id have to go far either

feels good going from what was a 2 pack a day habit to nothing … i dont have to listen to people telling me my voice sounds weird on the phone and shit

Good for you man stay with it. Cigs are F’in expensive! Money that could be much more wisely used to mod your ride :smiley:

this should help you out.

Stick with it!!!

I’ve had thoughts of quitting, but it’s moreso the fact that I enjoy (for lack of a better word) the habit.

I need to reach the point where I say to myself, “this is disgusting, I need to stop.”

Hey. Lynn. It’s disgusting. You need to stop.



…too bad i dont have those darvasets anymore huh? :lol:

wtf… how many nicks can there possibly be on this damn vb? lol


Suck it up pussy. :slight_smile:

i can get u loritabs, darvacets, or pretty much any other pain med if needed pm me


yeah probably, lemmie know what u need and ill check tonight for you.

but why would you want those?

lol um guys im not sure u want to be throwing this info on the board, as oc IS synthetic herion and all…

yeah, addicting as hell too!!!

lol u guys r too much

Yeah just ask that homo Rush Limbaugh. He was up to a few thousand a month or something wasn’t he?