
lock 2

lock 3

LOLZ. 3 domestics in a row. It’s like a small cult.

lock it …its forum rulzzzzzzzzzz

oh and for the record ill run your slow ass car


rulzzzz bitch ,your a shitty mod lololol

You are mother fucker. :thumbup

I request a hearing on this rule when it comes to a Super Moderator’s thread. I think I have the authority to grant immunity which I think I shal do. :slight_smile:

cant …its forum rulzzzzzzzzz dont make me get fluffy " or benny " to lock this shit up

I’m asking for the forum king Vlad to evaluate the rule and see if it applies here. Can’t a brother get a hearin!?

but its the rulzzzzzz kid lololol

Typical GermanPSI post right here. Mad street cred y0. Automatic respect if you win the race. Good for you. I’m in my iPhone but if I was on my home computer I’d def put the retard clap.

h0lla back y0

This thread made me giggle.

I really would like to see what Drew’s car would run properly setup (suspension, diff, tires, etc…) cuz I’m sure it’d move out. As much as he may think I dislike him, I just mess with him on the forum. When I met him in person, he seemed much more normal lol.

9’s @ 165