a member from shoforum that works for ford. Ford execs stated at the SHO convention last year that the 2012 WOULD have 400hp up from 365hp which is a pretty bold public statement. But given that people are putting mid 300’s to the wheels with a tune with no issues it may be a real possibility. Brakes have proven to be a major issue on the road course so the upgrade will be welcome.
Just saw complete 2012. Our prayers have been answered, Honeycomb grille(upper and lower), better brakes, any mytouch. I asked the engineer that was hovering around it about the brakes, he said they have been “revised”. Whatever that means. No additional power as of now. But anything and everything could change between now and build date. FYI, the grille is perfect and a SHO exclusive! No pics guys, job security.
this is possibly what it will look like
I have the mks with the ecoboost motor and just put a tune in it last week and holy shit does it wake it up…425hp in a lux car and awd fun stuff. Brakes need to be upgraded they are decent but not on par with the performance now.
it is actually a concept picture from a few years ago but it is pretty close to the way the car should look with the new grill.
I have the mks with the ecoboost motor and just put a tune in it last week and holy shit does it wake it up…425hp in a lux car and awd fun stuff. Brakes need to be upgraded they are decent but not on par with the performance now.
did you go with the livernoise tune? They have the SHO’s in the mid 12’s on just a tune.