Snky Snky Starbucks Meet Sunday July 6th!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks guys, I really wasnt all that impressed with them, I think shooting with cars so close like that made them really shitty, i was only able to really get one angle of each individual car, It woulda been siqqqq to get on top of somthing and get overhead shots of the whole group, thanks though

Wow, i dont think ive washed my car in 2 months but them pics sure make it look good.:slight_smile:

^ PS is my friend, BTW Is was super dirty lol

black audi a4 or t-bucket?

yeah sorry, I had a few of the T-bucket pulling in but at that point it was so dark that the cam was taking long exposures, therefore they where too blurry to use, and with the audi the light in the pics wasnt good enough to even try to save, sorry I spent most of the night after it got dark trying to figure out how to take night shots, Im still learning this cam ya know.

:tdown: j/p maybe next time

Yeah next time ur in town LMK

whoa! I didn’t realize you took a picture of my car.


kind of riced out with the stickers lol… Those came off this morning lol

Yeah IDK how I was feeling about them, thats why I went for the back, I’ll prolly even chop those ones out and re upload it

He is in town 4 life now, lol.

alright then even better lol

dude pics are quality man, angles and all :tup: awesome job. One thing please blurr out the plates just in case these pic get passed thought other forums and sht.

what would be the need to blur out the plates, theres pics of cars everywhere thats are publicly hosted with the plates exposed, I can do your if you insist though.

yes Bluuuuuuuuurr

alright sir, although I really dont understand why, people see your plate every day

Great pics… and x2 on blurring the plate. Car theft isnt a huge problem in the area but i still dont like my plate showing. Not that hard to trace the plate and get the address on the registration. Youre right people do see us drive around. I am not worried about people that see me on my daily commute… that cannot be helped. I am concerned with thiefs who have been known to browse local forums looking for targets. Look at that asshole in the evo with the big turbo pimp manifold nice wheels oh shit plate is showing lets go jack that shit! Or better yet vandalize it. People in some states like cali go as far as covering their vin # on the dash when they go to meets to prevent theft. Better safe than sorry.

^word, it’s rare, but it happens. People will hunt for some of the cars on this forum because of what they know is in them.

Alright, I personally never heard of that happening, I understand its entirly possible though, i will ask next time though If anyone is concened about it though plz either take at least the front plate off or LMK in advance, Cause now its the start of the work week, and right now I dont have time to re edit and re host the pics.

ew. beck. glad I went to the river and enjoyed some Old Mans Rivers Iced Teas.

Mega-old bump, but I just found this picture today while going through old photos…