snow D1GP

dooom mobooom

Cal, come.

we can always hit the VIP spot :wink:

I’m 100% certain that we won’t be rolling in a group of 20.

People will get lost and shiet and then the real party begins.

I’m gone out the door.

See ya’ll there.

borrowed the mom’s car, i’ll be d1gping all over rhill.

woah I just came back from a session of snow dori around my area, everyone was scared shitless when they see a angry dumped G35 sedan with a roofrack. :wink:

lol… was anyone around stc? I heard 3… and then on my way to the on ramp under the bridge they passed, i rev’d up as they passed as a props but couldn’t follow due to early work in the morning.

fuck stupid ass altenator

went to out to play for about 2hrs, just got back in. Damn headgasket, lol, burned all my oil, got stranded for about 30mins, filled her up with some cheap stuff, had a bit more fun, then called it a night. Sliding in snow is fun, but I like dry ashfault better :slight_smile:

ohhhh do we have a story for you guys.

oh rhillers had a pretty epic night tooo.

white s13??

yeh there was 3 of us going all over town center area

I bet we can top yours Cal :wink:

PS. Samson, I can’t upload the vid to my Mac, can I send it to you over BB?

i just heard from samson… thats pretty crazy…

but we had a nice couple runs too!

Heres Samson, and our Jamaican Semi friend.


BTW for all those wondering, I’m drifting a FWD with all-seasons on. I’m sure at least 5 people can atest on how gangster my FWD drifts are :slight_smile:

Here’s my contribution, lookie here!!!
Peter, Martino, Shawn, Avery, and Season in their respective order

LMAOOOO, Peter, Me, and Avery doin some tandem…than stupid Shawn goes the other way LMFAO

Season you quitter!

yea that was me and a couple of my s14 buddies

lol pure awsome. avery dident bitch out we were like tandom drifting then mike you were a bitch and stopped your big slide.

Well, I didn’t feel like hitting a truck tonight thanks.
You came by me where it was pure ice lol.

hahahahahahah see boys d1gp gets 18 wheelers to come out and play