Snow tonight & tmw!

10-15cm, aint baddddddddd

I want MOAR!!! :slight_smile:

Problem with weather is that it updates all the time, this morning in Whitby/Oshawa they were calling for 8cm between tonight and tomorrow morning.

Now its down to 3.

Probably won’t even snow.


we’ll find out

This is true, you never know with the crazy weather.

Washington DC got like 30cm over the weekend, WTF!!?!?

In Canada we have no snow…or far less than we’re supposed to have.

If it’s cold here, it must come with snow!

tooo cold = no snow…
why cant summer just come already?!?!

Global warming FTMFW.

I want snoww

It’s not even that cold.

Worst we’ve seen was -20ish.

more warm, less snow!

Haha, no, they got 30 INCHES. So jealous.

(photo from a friend who lives down there)


I guess I switched the CM with Inches =P

I want to race my 240… up yours snow

If it snows… Psht. I will be angry. Gr.

So weak… were not even half way to the smallest amount we’ve had since i think the 70’s…wtf!

Whitby 1-3

Ptbo 1cm

^ Don’t speak to soon, Only February

PS- When Can I have passenger headlight housing?

I rather have non-especially since i wana take my car out this week. But it should be tons of snow or no snow

If it’s gonna be winter…fucking SNOW. Snow looooots.

If there is no snow…winter can fuck off. Hardcore.

Snow brings warmer weather too. SNOW

The good snow is just starting to arrive for me. Mid feb-apr is the real snow. Moisture FTW!