the weather wtf!

ok this is getting to weird its 10c today and we are almost xmas wow global warming guys thats so nuts… its going to be a long winter or there wont be one at alll…

its like this every year. first it snows and stays for about a week than it gets warmer again but than it snows again and stays, usually just before x-mas, or that night.

weird sometimes.

almost wished i didn’t store my car already :frowning: stupid snow storm in november faked me out!

lol… thank god i didnt buy winters… all seasons baby!

i think in about 10 years it’s going to be all summer all the time.

naw we’ll be getting the snow still, cus when it comes it sure gets damn cold.

and winter tires… i put my winter tires on last week when it was snowy out and now its like this (i knew it was going to happen) but still put my winters on. oh well, it was a good thing because i found out my brake pads need to be replaced soon.

lol hope not… i hate snow… if we have florida weeather all year round perfect for me hehe

summer alll year round aahhhh wud be so nice…no need to store my car

well i actualy dont mind this weather… I wouldnt mind if it NEVER snowed at all but so far I like :slight_smile:

ya if only we had nice weather all year round so we can get hurricans/tornados/earthquakes/etc… and were in canada what do you expect, should be use to the winters now.

well we cudnt get any hurricanes…or bad ones atleast cuz we’re inland…tornados…possibly depending how much the climate went up…earthquakes…well if we arent on a major fault line…dun think we’d have that prob

I know I’ve felt two earthquakes, both when I was in school at UTSC. If you check out this site then you can see there are a number of small earthquaked through the year (about 10/yr). I remember thinking the first one was truck driving by. then i realized i was dead centre of campus, no trucks are nearby!

haha, im just saying. usually you got the warmer weather and you have all these mother nature stuff. us, well we get the nice cold weather and snow storms and ice storms and fun weather to drive in (also sihtty with lots of traffic… but in empty parking lots its… well im sure you all

yea im sure we get earthquakes here…but i mean theyre nothing very major where whole cities are destroid because of them …

yea but i cud live without the snow and ice storms…i lived in the country for 8 yrs…for more than half the yr…about 7mnths…was winter…and we wud get it hard…so ive had enuffff of the winter and the storms and the ice

The weather’s good enough to pull the hose out one last time for a wash!!!

Perhaps the first ‘Green-christmas’ that I have lived through in Canada!

Hope the weather sorts itself out.

where did you live prior to canaduh shorteaz?

i hate this, i want my full winter… i miss the snow…

and it’s scary to think that this shift is effecting alot of the animals and the plants and vegetation…

alot of people think of this a great reason to celebrate, i see this as a reason to worry, when i still see geese flying in mid dec, it’s a sad sign that the ecosystems across N.America are in trouble now.

my snow tires are prolly half metled away…=(
craziness…the car was still warm AFTER i was done shoppin at vaughn mills today…

anyone see the movie called the incovenveniant truth… man thats hardcore… gives you proof and facts… i recomend renting it… and its all so true says 50 years from now we all gonna be ****ed if it keeps going this way the world is warming up shows you how and why and how we can help stop it… amazing movie doc… shows why catrina happened and what will hapen to NY and most parts of the world once that glacier melts sea level will go up and most of us will be underwater… itsawsome… rent it…

lol ive always been in canada…i just used to live up nrth…like 2hrs north…45mins west of collingwood

the “greenest” christmas I had was when I went to Australia to visit my cousin with my family like 8 years ago. It’s summer time over there, so we were chilling out in the pool and having a bbq while trying to beat the 30+ degree heat :smiley:

lol yeh i hear yah i grew up in cancun mexico so i didnt have to many white christmas hehe then moved to florida so im not used to the cold … this is awsome tho no snow…