the weather wtf!

i like the snow.
but than again i hate it.
and also its awsome to go taboozining.

taboozining lmao…sounds fun

it is fun.

get drunk and go tobogginin. just gotta be careful… ya right when your drunk you dont think of being careful sometimes.

i cud imagine so…but…theres no snow to do it booo haha

no snow yet… there will be and when it does come ill be planning on going taboozining.

ok heres the site for the movie documentary… should see it

wow site has everything … can see how much you polute etc… take some time look at it.

Ten simple steps to stop climate change

  1. Turning your thermostat down by 1ºC could cut your heating bills by up to 10 per cent and save you around $40 per year.

  2. Is your water too hot? Your cylinder thermostat shouldn’t need to be set higher than 60ºC/140ºF.

  3. Close your curtains at dusk to stop heat escaping through the windows.

  4. Always turn off the lights when you leave a room.

  5. Don’t leave appliances on standby and remember not to leave appliances on charge unnecessarily.

  6. If you’re not filling up the washing machine, tumble dryer or dishwasher, use the half-load or economy programme.

  7. Only boil as much water as you need (but remember to cover the elements if you’re using an electric kettle).

  8. A dripping hot water tap wastes energy and in one week wastes enough hot water to fill half a bath, so fix leaking taps and make sure they’re fully turned off!

  9. Replace your light bulbs with energy saving ones: just one can reduce your lighting costs by up to £100 over the lifetime of the bulb.

  10. Do a home energy check. Just answer some simple questions about your home and get a free, impartial report telling you how you can save up to £300 a year on your energy bills. Visit for more details.

We can all make a difference.

wow ! that site does have alot of interesting stuff. (will have to take another look at it later)

watching the trailer ( ) makes me wanna see the whole film.

and damn its scary thinking of the future… (2050)

I saw the inconvenient truth at a friend’s house after he dl’ed by accident thinking it was some movie. Very interesting indeed… The 3D project of what the world would be like underwater is absolutely crazy!

Gabe… last yr was green christmas or was it the yr before? But i remember i had 1 green christmas while living in canada for 5 yrs.

I guess I’m getting old then… must be forgetting already!..

The only christmas’s that I recall are all nice, calm nights, with snow just ever so trickling… I guess I’m just an idealist!:wink:


see i hate the snow but in the tire industry we are getting screwed… ive lost ove 1500bucks in overtime vs. last year… its bull, but i want snow

u guys just wait, january and february are the real snow months…this weather these days are the result of all of you who do illegal emission pass lol jkz…next year we’ll probably still be getting this weather until the beginning of january, and the year after that will prolly be going into late jan. and so on

i’m downloading as we speak…

shuold be watching it tomorrow…

movies like this make me so paranoid, and there’s nothing we can do about it.

evenutally i’ll have to sell my V6 and get a Inline2 or soemthing…because i know next summer it’s going over a dollar for sure.

lol there is alot you can do about it…

thing is tho as the weather changes that affects everything like it says bugs birds migration ****es everything up unbalance lol that movies good …im not a tree huger or anything but it points out alot of facts… let me knwo what you think once u finish watching it…

starting it now…
i’ll let you guys know in about a hour…

oh god i’m scared… movies like this petrify me.

Even if gas is over a dollar, I would still drive some gas eating monster… Can’t stay away from power…

i want snow, therefore i can enjoy snowboarding on real snow :). and probably ice fish for once.
but can’t complain this weather is uBer awesome, anyone here play ice hockey? someone want to play some shinny?:A

Listening to the radio this morning, they said that there has only been 5 white Christmas’s since 1996…:eek:

I’m loosing my memory here… !


Thought so… I can certainly recall at least 1 green christmas

yea and keep in mind thats 7 yrs ago so 5 out of 7 is approximately 71% …so still, there are white christmas’ more often then not