To all who put their summers on...

Reported 15-25cm of snow tonight/tomorrow. Just be careful out there, PLEASE. I don’t want to see anyone getting fukced over right at the outset of the season.

This isn’t an april fool’s joke, either.

nice touch. I fucked mine up at the onset of the season due to tires, 2 months later S13 #2

I refuse to believe that we are getting that much snow. I still think that the weathermen and news broadcast stations teamed up for a major April Fools joke…

oh but theyll get whats coming to them. :twisted:

Well it’s cold as fuck outside right now so I think the weather guy wasn’t lying.

Yeah I agree it’s gona happen. I don’t think were getting that much though as I only heard 10cm’s ish. Some of it to MAY be freezing but who knows.

As for summer’s, yeah I put my rims/tires on almost 3 weeks ago as my winter went flat. Now since it was done anyway, I did’nt want to bother paying $15.00 to fix it so, on went my summer stuff. Oh well, lets just hope this is the last time till next winter.

Take care.

Easy 8)

it’s going to rain more than snow

Yeah, they changed it. Oh well. Crisis averted? I hope so.

haha ya, I packed my car away again just becasue of the warning

I’m callin’ all rain. I was just out on my street until 2am with a sweater and was comfortable the whole time…

Toronto weather is unpredictable.

I was outside with just a sweater on, and it was fine.

i say flurries at most.

It is raining right now, but only slightly…if the snow does come however, i would not think it will be more than a dusting…

i have 5 cm and its snowing hard. its going to be +9 tomorrow and sun so it will all be gone

There is no snow in rihcmond hill, we had very bad rain an hour ago with flurries, but it all would melt when hitting the ground.

It’s snowing right now (9:50am) in Niagara; big mother flakes. We’ve got about 3cm’s on the ground, but as other’s have mentioned, it’s mostly just slush. Whatever the case, this is about as useless as pissing in the wind. Just messy, that’s it. :evil:

damnit, i wana go to the cauga job fair but i dont friggin wana drive in this shit :x