

got your snow tires on?

be safe out there ladies


And my car is outside :frowning:

onoz, Don’t worry Dan, bondo doesn’t rust.


But a pile of shit that don’t start sitting in your parent’s driveway will!

It’s in the back yard at my gramma’s place, thank you very much. Besides, it’s got a nice blanket of snow protecting it already. :wink:

Oh shit, grammy can’t deal with dat y0z!

…That doesn’t even make sense. You lose at banter.



This is not an off-topic thread… keep that kinda stuff to yourself!

Besides, now you have Dan all hot and bothered.

Ya… is that what you really want sil8t? Have you SEEN me? Gross.

Environment Canada has issued a warning for this…they’re saying somewhere in the 25-40cm in 24 hours - potentially the biggest/fastest snowfall in 60 years!

They’re recommending to stay off the road on Sunday if at all possible.

lmao 40cm in 24 hours is the biggest snow fall in 60 years?.. God…

heh for North Bay thats like biggest snowfall since Tuesday eh Pete?

holy !
just got in from my buddies warehouse…
he has about a football field parking lot that was totalled covered,

legal parking lot snow sliding = awesome!
many hours later, we got hungry and came home…

the beginning of the storm is always the funniest, although im not going anywhere tomorrow

oh yea, i almost forgot…exhaust control valve FTW

what do you mean by that???

I hope it snows as much as possible, I like driving through doom days…

damn this reminds me of last years winter drift session in 2ft of snow

i miss my s14

hahaha it is going to take more then that to stop me, it is really funny seeing all of these people in there SUV’s looking at me like I am nuts going through some of the snow piles or going up hills like ceader springs. If they only knew that due to the lower weight and all the VLSD and Locking VLSD’s under my car I am probablly going to be more sucessful on the roads at them.