snow D1GP

lol awsome night

sliding hwy on-off ramps
manjing the 401
tandem drifting

lol its not hard to spot my bright ass hids

yeah white s13… lol nice i left a movie and it was like music to my ears

18 wheeelerrrrr trailer driftingggggggggggg with samson tandemming wtih it… epic night indeed.

story as follows. trailor black dude saw some of us do a lil sliding waitin at parkinglot and then we stopped, waiting for others to come. he drives his trailer to us and calls us to drift more. someone sed if u drift, well drift. so he went and parked, unhooked his trailer and went for three circles lol… the last circle was caught on video :slight_smile: …then rest of night was history… CRAZYYYYnesssssssss 2 hrs of snow plowing.