Snow drifting in the 518

im gonna go with NO for 500 bob

i dont play this game anymore…There’s this T-intersection on my campus that I always used to slide through…one morning I came through and started my slide…i hit a patch of ice under like 2 inchs of snow and slid my ass end sidewazzzzzzz into a curb :Idiots…bent my rim and broke a control arm. I hit that motherfucker HARD…fml

soo there calling for 6+ inches tonight…

ive seen 3-6 everywhere ive looked

Just saw 2"-5" on the news and heard 2"-4" from my boss…Hopefully we get enough so I can go out and make some money.

although everywhere this storm has been has got more than wat was called for

I got a balcony overlooking the rte 20 and carman road intersection and a video camera. Just sayin if anyone wants to get silly near the GPD station I’m here for the lolz.

Ive been hearing 1-3" from the news, but 6-9" from everyone Ive talked to… wtf :lol

I’m thinking 2-4 is a safe bet locally Immediate capital district), who knows what it will look like at the end of the day though. If it changes to rain long enough we could end up with less snow on the ground than we started with.

yeah, def. not getting 6-9. Whoever is spreading that we’re getting 6-9 can’t comprehend the difference between Mohawk Valley/Albany & Lake George/points North.


:facepalm to the stunads thinking were getting more than 3" from this ‘event’

some clown in my soc class asked if they were gonna close school tomorrow

So anyone hittin up unplowed parkin lots tonight? Im down to beat on my pile

LOL at everyone saying 6" was BS yesterday

ill come out and play where /when u goin?

im at work till 9 then ill be out, no clue if there is anywhere not plowed

i dunno prob not, when i was out earlier most shit was already plowed



nothin like being late, and drifting in the snow with your shoes until your socks are soaked baby !

ya obviously i cant comprehend…:lol