
money in my pocket says different if they pay ill yank em out!

dumpy meathead driverz

The roads are pretty bad but I was shocked at how well my car went in the snow being rwd, the blizzak’s are proving how well of a buy they were!

Yeah for open diff my car was really good! My road wasnt even plowed :lol Fucking 6" at least.

87 to 90 was a good mile of cars backed up in ONE lane (left).

The right lane had about 4" of snow or so, so i just drive around all the tards backed up in traffic.

There was about 10 cars from 87 to exit 8 off 90 that were wiped out :rofl

idiots, i made it to HVCC in the time it takes me when its nice out. BUT I get here and my class is not there, no note, no email, no teacher…fail

only took me an extra 10 mins from normal and that was because I got off 787 onto 32 so I didn’t have to deal with all the idiots on 787… Between Waterford and the menands exit for 32 I saw 4 accidents… redic!

theres like 8 people in acct right now. haha

I wont be at hvcc today !!!

We have about 8 inches right now in QBY and they upped the forecast to 10-15 inches of snow here. It is falling hard!!

BUT I just put new snows on the Jeep Cherokee yesterday and it was a tank all they way in to work today.

i saw your hatch with a half foot of snow on top of it this morning. :lol figured you were staying in.

o wait…who crashed there M?


I also believe there wasn’t any snow on the ground when Benjamin wrecked it…



face it benny, u suck at driving and at life.

Wrong. Benny pwnd that guardrail because he was still wearing his man pants from the drift event.

Myself and 99FRC know what’s up.

I think you mean their* you meathead goon.

Also a valid point.

Myself and 99FRC know what’s up with the snow.