Snowblower Issues

I just bought a snowblower from the 'rents- they wanted something smaller because they are getting older, and it was too tough for them to use. I’ve got a huge driveway so it seemed logical to buy it. My stepdad mentioned that the 2nd reverse gear had stopped working. Well, the first reverse gear barely works as well. I tried using it, and even in “fresh” heavy snow, it barely moves in forward speeds, I end up pushing the thing to move it along. I did one small section of my driveway and my out-of-shape ass is exhausted. I last used it 5 years ago, and it wasn’t nearly as hard to use then, even in the icy snow piles the snow plow left. It makes me think- they probably thought it was just them, but in reality there was an issue with the snowblower that made it tough to use. It’s an 8hp MTD, 6 forward speeds and 2 reverse. I know nothing about fixing these things. Any idea what the issue could be? I’m not looking forward to loading this thing back in my Jeep to have it fixed, but such is life.

Are the tires properly inflated? Makes a night-and-day difference in their ability to propel themselves.

Assuming the tires are good, don’t try to push it faster than it wants to go. Heavy damned things, and you can either walk behind them at the pace they want to go or shove and grunt and strain behind it and go exactly the same speed.

My guess is friction wheel. Not a big deal to fix.

I just went through this with an MTD snowblower. If the cable on the handle is adjusted correctly then it probably needs a new rubber friction wheel. DON’T take is somewhere to get fixed before looking at it. Tip the machine forward 90 degrees so it sits flat on the front and there is six bolts holding on the shield. You can then inspect everything and check out the friction wheel.

Thanks guys- I’ll check it out tomorrow, hopefully I can fix it myself

lol at the fast that tipping it 90 deg with a full fuel tank will make a mess. :lolsign:

What is so funny did I tell him to top it off with gas before he started? Anyways my tank was full when I did this and only a few drops came out. Nothing I would consider a mess especially since it evaporates. Just make sure the cap is tight.

I ran out of gas and didn’t fill it back up yet, glad I didn’t.