Snowboarding/Skiing sometime in jan? *Bromley Tues Jan 17th*

i was just looking at jay peak’s weather forcast, why does it have to be a 10 hour round trip to go there, they are looking at 2-3 feet over the next 3 days.

I thought he was kidding but if not then forgive me for breaking your balls , my parents woulda done the same shit

i figured the whole time he was talking about skipping some college classes, thats why i was like who the hell cares. a day of high school is harder to get away with so if he is really 16, i understand.


Yeah northern VT should fair pretty well, Sugarbush/Mad River are looking at 10-20.


my alarm is set for 6:50 am cause i’m going snowboarding tomorrow, this is the point in the night i can’t decide if i should try to sleep or not. my go to of reading a book doesn’t help because the book i’m reading gets me so angry and pumped up that it wakes me up instead of puts me to sleep lol. i’m use to doing this.

Today’s is the first day since I got home that I slept for more than 4 hours haha trying to squeeze every second out of my leave

sweet don’t break your legs and fuck ip the 17th

Its all ur fault now if I do. I’ve already had some pretty good falls. This is the first day this year it truely feels like snowboarding weather so I’ve been going extra hard.


I can see it now. Slwthnu ends up in a body cast today but we all congregate at his house anyway on tues.

yeah haha i dont care if he’s going or not, we are still meeting at his place


Well if we leave at 630 that gets us to the mtn around 8 well park and get tickets and get all our shit together and be ready to go just about when the lifts open and be able to enjoy the best snow of the day.

yeah uh, we are def stopping for food

you guys must be on drugs,

SIX EY AM ! hasn’t that hit reality with anyone yet???

i would of snowboarded in a motherfucking body cast, don’t worry i made it home fine, thanks to my helmet lol

dude six in the fucking morning

hey Singh I forgot what time we are meeting can you post it again for the 800,000 time hahahaha Just incase everyone doesnt know

I’m usually up before 6 M-F and dont sleep much past 7 on the weekends because that’s when my dog usually wakes me up to go outside. So 6 aye emmmmmmnop is really no big deal, hell if the mountain is far away I’ve left as early as 4-430.

Im not an animal hater but I recommend selling your dog