Snowboarding/Skiing sometime in jan? *Bromley Tues Jan 17th*

when your parents are asshole hypocrites.
as to getting on the lift with a ski bike ill just put it on my lap or something I dont give a FUCK!

Why don’t you just use skis?


I got bored to night so I made a map of whats open as of now. Hopefully we get some help from mother nature and some colder temps so they can make snow and expand to the blue ribbon quad area.

Nice haha so I leave for the airport on base in 2 hours and it feels like the time is standing still haha cant wait to get outta this place for a little while.

If those chicks from the topless snowboarding video are there count me in!

Pretty sure they wont be haha but should we count you in anyways? Just bring some strippers and it will all be ok

I think my brother may come with me as well, he’s got the day off and seemed interested in going.



pretty much it means i’m not sleeping or getting an hour of sleep lol

same here , god damn

bringing a friend so I can now fit 2 more people and gear

im still shocked that my eyes will be open at 6 am

pull me off of there. my parents are nazis there’s no way i could skip.

that’s understandable, when i was 15 i would of never gotten away with it either bro !

/\ im 16. big difference, right, BR0??!!!

i really wanna get out this season but hate paying full price tickets for a half open mtn

true true

Hopefully thurs and friday will help with getting more terrain open.

ur 16? god damn your young. that explains it.