
Anyone snowboard? If so where do you like to go?

eww no! Skiing is the best

7 springs is nice, but pricey… Up north there is a place called Ski Denton ( … its got a hill that is insanely steep… way steeper than anything at 7 springs, blue knob, or any other place i’ve ever been.

I haven’t gone in 2 years but I still have my stuff. willow brook is great for just jumps and what not and cheap to go to. after going to keystone, vale, arapaho valley, and one other place in colorado that I can’t remember 7 springs sucks as does most places on the east coast. I did go to a resort in New York about 7 years ago but I can’t remember the name. it was pretty nice and some super long slopes that were perfect for cruising on.

put it this way. pick what you would think is the longest slope at 7 springs now multiply that by about 6 and you will have how long it takes from the china bowl to the resort town at vale. I wish I had the cash to do it again.

a trip out west is nice if you can afford it. but 7 springs is nice for what it is. i work in monroeville, i get out of work at 5 and can be on the lift by 6. as far as i know, its the best place locally, unless you consider holiday valley, or snowshoe.

that is the place I went in New York thanks for the post so I remembered. it is big and pretty fun. well worth the day trip

I snowboard as much as possible. Usually 2 or 3 times a week. I bounce around between all of the local resorts, or do backwoods runs on some pipelines (2.5 mile ride. Hike a mile back out)

I don’t really care where I go…as long as I’m riding. It’s all what you make of it I think.

Do I smell a Pittspeed snowboard meet?

backwoods stuff is real fun. I remember hiking in colorado in thigh deep snow for what felt like 6 miles with a board straped to my back

The past couple of years I’ve gone to Mt Tremblant in Quebec with the Pitt snowboard club, Its a great time especially when your under 21, I think this year im going to try and go on a trip to whistler, but I imagine it will be a bit more expensive

I very never been to canada but I hear it is very dry powder up there which I don’t like when jumping off 7 foot ledges

If I can find some pics from colorado I will post them up after work tonight.

go to whistler. sell a kidney if you have to

Ill show you all up!

I ski and would be in.

Blue Knob is the best hill in the area(denton does have steeper than anything in the state though. really comparable to Vermont skiing. BTW in the last three years i have skied 275 days:). So i should have no problem keeping up.

some shots from Blue Knob


I’d really like to go more, but it’s very expensive, imo, to go skiing alot. I miss doing it… my brother was a ski instructor and race coach at 7-springs for 2 years… when he quit there, he gave me his race skis… absolutely crazy fast… i miss the North Face - just pointing staright downhill and not turning til the end to stop is a blast.

I ride alot. I try to get to Vermont at least 3 times a year. Im working full time 8-5 so I dont know how much Ill be able to go this year.

your brother sounds alot like me except i work at Hidden Valley.(let the flaming begin even though my J3 girls kicked springs ass this year).

there are three types of people who ski and board

Rich people who ski alot
Rich people who ski alittle
Poor people who ski alot

Other than that it is just to pricey if yah know what i mean. I ski intructor just so i can break even by the end of the year. Free season pass, discounted gear, free lessons, discounted/ free lift tickets at other resorts, and the best excuse to be there is that you are “working”.

I go with any group I can find that will let me go with them to keep it cheap. Greater Johnstown Ski Club goes to Seven Springs during the week, and I usually try to get signed on with them a few times. Penelec’s group is usually a good one too. Usually $10-15 for a night session.

I’m always looking for someone to go with me. I usually go by myself, throw on the headphones, and ride nonstop all night.

i go a couple of times during the season. i just hit up seven springs.

i live for snowboarding. unless there is a large amount of fresh snow you’ll find me nowhere else than the park. Springs is the only place worth going thats convient, but they blow. They refuse to purchase the insurance to build a real park. Each year its a bigger struggle to progress due their ignorance of the sport. I’ve been to Lake Tahoe, Snow Summit and Mammoth for four years, im very tainted. The Wisp is has a nice park and isnt far, the closest real place to ride is Mountain Creek, NJ. Santa Cruz has sponosred their park for the last 3 years or so and its out of control.

Yea I went to mountain creek last year, the park is simply amazing. I got to watch my buddy break his arm on the C rail which was pretty funny. He got a cast and went back out riding the next day.

thats what I like to see.