So alot of people have been telling me....

The plan is to NOT invest 32k and sell it to woody for 10k.

Sorry Woodrow.

This is going to be a car that I plan to enjoy and drive as opposed to my last Z32TT that sat for 3 years as a big $ taker from my acct.

I am going to do the basic Z upgrades…ECU…Boost Controller…Cat Back (car already has downpipes and test pipes)…Intake…Wheels…coilovers…sway bars.

This set up should put me in the low 13’s high 12’s which is fine for me and be a fun car to take out on Dunnville or Beaver run and see if I can drive.

Very nice…


That third picture could be titled: happiness. :tup:

Sounds like a pretty damn good plan to me. I went your first route with my last car. :banghead:

Yeah that last pic’s gotta make you grin a little bit :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice, but BS on you not modding it, you just dont’ know it yet. :wink:



Sweet tits :tup:

good buy man

or good trade :slight_smile: which makes it the best part

When he went down to $5K I was getting ineterested.What did you give for it?


The 93 Lexus LS400 I had for sale on here and some 21" Lexanis

good move :tup: i told you to quit F-ing around how many times now? good work

Pimp dentist office yo! Nice car too I suppose.

like i said in pm glad to see you are thinking clearly and got another one. congrats again

Should be a fun project :tup:

Was this Corey’s old car?

very nice, can’t wait to see it when its done!


Thanks for all the kind words everyone.

Its a little rough around the edges but I am excited to bring it back.

Nice to see you getting back into a 300zx…the transmarobird just didnt seem like your kind of whip!!!

sometime they’re better that way. then you know everything is done right and how you want it.