So as some of you may know...I suck at lying

Learn anything Beck?

Good luck.

Most of us will be around to help, if You need it.


Just to give you a heads up, its hard in the beginning, but all the hard work is well worth it especially when they smile. I have 2 little girls. One is a 6 y/o and the other is a 4 m/o little bratt.
I had my 6 y/o when i was 16, had no money saved up, and living with parents. At first i was scared and didnt really want kids, but now I cant imagine living without them.

Keep Your head up. It’ll all payoff.

oh, and:

It could be someone elses kid, did you think about that? :open_mouth:

Not saying it is. I don’t know the girl or anything. I also don’t know how long you’ve been seperated. Weirder things have happened though.

But congrats on being a man and taking care of it if it’s yours and doing the right thing :tup:

Edit: This post wasn’t trying to be a dick at all, just wondering if you had thought about that at all.

if the baby has a hairy face will you disown it? :slight_smile:

good luck :tup: :tdown:

the mother is certainly hot though. :tup:

how did you make it into UB? you have the wit of a twig and the spelling capability of beck’s child .


anyway, congratulations beck.

Beck, I mean this entirely as a joke, so LAUGH rather than getting mad :wink:


Honestly, I liked the “Pedophile Party @ Mighty” a lot better. What happend to that? You give up already?

Total :bsflag: on this one.

Dang! good luck, mang.

anal ftw!

Congratulations Beck, it’s definatly not the best of situations but you appear to want to do what is right. Kudo’s to you on being a man about it and doing the right thing hopefully it will work out for the best. And not trying to abandon responsibility, definatly a shame to see any kid grow up in a broken home. Hopefully you and the mother will work something out in the best interest of your kid.

:tup:Eeeeeh!:tup: [/fonz]

If this is a prank I’ll club you like a baby seal. :slight_smile:

you are going to need a sedan or even worse a minivan

Congratulations, in a totally coincidental turn of events, I’m pregnant too!

Your new custom title should be PsychoS10 Jr.



I was pregnant but Jesus ate him :frowning:

But CIRRUSLY kids really are fun.


I think its bs.

if it isn’t, just remember… catching a kid is better than catching aids.

You know what…it’s BS…chick killing her myspace page = unecessary details

still on the 1st page… before i read any further, congrats on wrecking your life. white trash breeds white trash. and no i’m not being harsh, it’s the trust. before u can even take care of yourself, you fuck yourself into having to take care of another human life??? u still live with your parents. if kids were just a TAD bit smarter, then the world wouldn’t be as shitty as it is nowadays.

i guess my only good point would be that youre going to take the responsibility. until u stop one day, then we end up footing the welfare bill b/c u bounced.

congrats mang… you got some good swimmers… if u need anything lemme know…