So as some of you may know...I suck at lying

a retarded alien midget boar could plant its seed. so thats not too much of a compliment…

hrm sweet.

if im white trash…then what are you?

cause im pretty sure your the one who dumps his whole income into a maro.

not to take this OT…and not to start a pissing match… but i dumped alota of my income into my “maro” this past year. does that make me white trash? :lol:

carry on

no cause you can spell, and you don’t make shithead comments.

SS doesn’t know a fucking thing about me.

I mean this with nothing but respect, but have you considered a paternity test? I don’t mean to suggest that this girl is promiscuous, but if she slept with you when you claim to have not had a serious relationship with her, she may have slept with other guys too.

I’m just saying you might want to make sure since life as you know it will be over when the baby comes around.

Either way, :tup: to taking the attitude of handling your business. You just might want to make sure you’re not giving up your life for someone else’s swimmer.

Serious? Ya know, believe it or not, UB is NOT that hard to get in to.

Ehhhhhhhhh, that’s all for now.

Oh, I was thinking the same as Fry too. Can never be too careful.

this doesnt sound like a joke anymore…

did you know on sunday night?

if its a boy and you name it bing i’ll give you a whole wack of chicken balls

if its a girl and you name it bing i’ll kick you in the balls wicked hard

if you keep it and shit works out good i’ll let the kid work at the restaurant to help pay the bills when he’s 5

dumps his whole income into a maro? are u nuts? my car has been a 4 year build, with money flowing to it when i had it.

what do i know about u? not much, but, still enough to see how trashy you are. bytches aint shit. the shit u do. how u act.

but what do u really know about me? sorry i own a house and have a decent job and a few vehicles and a future. and didn’t just knock some random girl up. lol.

the point is, you’re just starting what most often will turn into a white trash type of lifestyle for the kid. maybe it won’t for sure. hell maybe my bantering will even have a positive effect. but i doubt it.

so i’m WT b/c i make shithead comments? go fuck yourself, its my opinion. any one with any common sense knows that in most cases, like yours, helps to turn the world to shit.

any, congrats.

ya I got in there and have a 3.3 and I am a fucking retard


hmmmm 11 sec windstar? possibilitys :stuck_out_tongue:

wow i cant believe the govt lets u reproduce

:tup: to manning up and taking on the responsibility

i’m not saying that this isn’t possible and all…

but this IS for real, right?

beck, i still hope you’ll be down for that hot steamy butt sex you wrote to me about today when this is all said and done.

I am wondering if this is due to condom breakage? too lazy to pull out? or failure of the withdrawal method?

The next line being the important one :wink:

beck wouldnt drive a domestic, it’d have to be an odyssey

birth control
edit: she’s 20. why isn’t she on it?


damn where did that happy couple ever disappear to…