So as some of you may know...I suck at lying

Do what now?

dude your a fag stop posting no one likes you

as for beck good luck man

p.s…dont let assholes like ILCisDEAD bring u down at all

Taken from becks other thread:


i was thinking the SAME thing when i saw him posting 30 mins later.

yes i am still up waiting!.. holy fuck…

hate to break it to you. but i don’t think she’s coming.

anyways…it’s not about you getting “laid” tonight.

it’s beck’s thread. back on topic.

I deleted my rant and just decided to post his instead.

ILCisDEAD i fucking hate you. hate hate hate. hate. god i hope your not bigger than me… cause i want to kick the shit out of you.

adam, if this is true. and not a hoax you know where to find me if you need anything. this is huge. life changing.

there are so many things i want to say to you right now… call me. goddamnit. find some time. big frank and liz miss you.


new custom title should be: I get OP preggo.


If I ever have a kid I’m totally buying that. :slight_smile:

that is sooo true.

Beck… if you are the father… Best of luck with everything…

You may want to seriously consider looking into getting a paternity test. Afterall, you said so yourself that you have the best paying job out of 95% of people your age. And we all know how some women can be…

Wow…if this is legit then good luck.

:rofl: at this whole thread. very entertaining. GLWBaby

beck… i have my doubts…

i saw that and all i could think of was this…

which inturn made me lol

how hilarious would it be if it was newmans kid.

that would make the awesomest jerry springer episode in the history of would set a new record for amount of girlie punches thrown in a 60 minute show :tup:


haha. i have never seen that girl, so i don’t think i’ve impregnated her…

well… maybe i did.

if it was newman’s kid, at least he has a job and a future FTW. lol @ how funny the springer ep would be.

IF it’s his, beck just destroyed his life. seriously, my point was never addressed that… you can’t even take care of yourself, yet you burden yourself with being responsible for a human life. and not just any life, but a newborn infant fragile life. i would guess that 75% of the time, kids’ lives and habits are influenced/structured very similar to their parents. what are the odds that you and whatever girl this is can product someone NOT like you?

and to everyone saying congrats and ohhh good luck and if you need anything we’re here for you… thanks for making him think it’s actually a good thing. now when he pops out 5 more from random mothers, and they’re all on welfare, don’t complain about the high taxes and how so many lazy trash people get everything for nothing.

beck who cares if u have a faster car than most people your age? move out, pay some bills, get health insurance, and enjoy driving that 1987 corolla you’ll have to pick up. and that’s BEFORE baby expenses.

sorry if my views are overly realistic, but people are just NOT TOO BRIGHT.

Congrats Beck…I just hope it’s a boy…otherwise you’re going to be all over your daughter when she hits the age of 12! lol… Let me know if you need anything!