So as some of you may know...I suck at lying

good luck with whatever happens beck

I still call BS…I just don’t think you’re that dumb


I never really met ya, Beck and sometimes from your posts you come off as an assclown but I got to hand it to ya. :tup: :tup: for being a man and taking care of shit. It really does say alot about someones charactor

good luck with the new family, man :beer:

i hate fake drama

You kids have to realize that birth control is not 100%. A condom + oral contreceptives do not equate to some magical forcefield. Jesus christ, go pick up a pamphlet.

Anyone: alterior motive?

Beck, we definately need to get a run in now, before You decide to do better things with Your time & money. :slight_smile:

lol, nice one. i expected more ppl flaming you like badazzss

you dumb shits believe anything

guess what, i’m the daddy too, we made a man goo cocktail dumped it into paintballs and shot them at her crotch

it was awsome


iam not saying what he says was in line. but y do guys get so proud they can fuck so many girls. obviously if u knoked a bitch up (which beck it would be hard to believe u just scream attention 24 7) then condoms break and when u end up with ur dick fallling off i will laugh histerically.

No OT for beck again T-minus 10 … 9…

many many people in this thread. if it is BS, i’d love to go on springer. on air, i’d fight beck, steve, jerry, get the crowd all riled up.

and birth control taken correctly + condom = 99.9% effective. sure theres that 1 / 1,000 chance…

hahhaha look at all the people viewing this thread… please dont ban beck, i want to see his retort… <3

She wasnt on birth control. Various reasons as posted earlier.

Side note: As You may know, alot of women have bad reactions to the oral contraceptives. My wife was one of them, we had to change scripts a few times.

Wrap it, before you tap it…at least by the looks of that chick.

I kid, I kid!

im pretty sure this isnt a lie…

you are heading down a road that is harder than you think Adam (my best friend lol) goodluck with everything. this better not be some joke…cause it really isn’t funny

oh wow…if this is totally for real…congrats! :slight_smile:
goodluck with everything, glad you are taking responsibility for it.


thread save

Why did the title of the thread change? Is this all a big joke? Damnit, right when I was gonna say some fun/kind/not-so-kind words…