so bswaptcivic was telling me how he feels about pittspeed

Tada aristocrats

i’m sorry you were forced to be in that act as a child. i heard dr phil might be able to help

angry pittspeed hating honda-tech transients. oh my. :rolleyes:

good thing the circus hires quacks. i’m jealous of my boss. does mum get flat rate or atleast commission from the beastilty show?

i didnt know i was adopted shag. well i talked to mom and i guess before she would come home and cook you supper it was 5 for the donkey and 10 for the horse. I personally gave her 25 cents her gum job was a little dry.

damn i knew should of been born in west virginia. yins have all the cool stories.
infact bed time. the circus is moving it’s show at 6am

Everyone got old, married and bought houses. :weak:

waaaaaaaaaaaaait a minute:bowrofl:, fuck i fit into that catagory now.

I couldn’t agree more…but i have no room to talk i haven’t had anything worth a shit to race in years

My car is faster then everyones and you’re all faggots.

PS Sailor did actually help me with my clutch first time I met him, good guy, but I still hate you all to keep the fighting going.

So, is it a 1/4 of pittspeed have cars they race? Or am I being to generous with that assumption?

Super generous. I don’t race, but I’ll out park you every last one of you. Tweakers.

This thread is a fucking snooze fest…and andrew, stop bullshitting about you are above all this…when I see you on track we’ll let your lap times speak for you. Until then have fun meeting in parking lots, and talking about how you are going to do this and that worthless mod. kthxbye

Well how in the fuck did you slip through the cracks?

As requested…sums this up necely.

OG son. But if you want to go back to Pittricing, we won’t say a word.

Bitch please, you act like you gave whitey permission to create this board. Don’t you have some photo shoot with little kim in your vette you could be doing right now?

um, what makes you think I didnt? Whitey cant scratch his nuts without my permission. You should see our text message plan!

hi, who the fuck are you?

don’t you owe a bunch of 240s dsms and lsxs races? you better get on that…
