So BUSH wants to cut all this shit?


No i have read it and realy dont let the news detur(sp), my thoughts, but the shear notion of watching your banks accounts, stocks bonds, emails, planes flights, Cell phones(GPS) so they know where you are, and calls, just seems little unjustified to me, But you have the Flip side of things, I dont know this shed some light to help me out but have we caught anyone for a real crime that threatens our “HOME SECURITY”, I have nothing to hide,so look away. But I think it kinda takes the word FREE out of freedom in a sense,i mean ur still aloud to do what you want when you want to to an extent, But someone is always watching… I guess it could be worse.
But I think we the ppl, should have the same power to see whats going on behind closed doors of our admin. only fair we pay for it IE:TAXES

if you are accepting and making calls to a 946 or whatever country code, then yeah, they are going to pay attention… … they don’t care about jimmy in dravosburg selling pot out of his parents house… nor could they ever bring charges against him using that information (as per the patriot act)… so whatever right?

i guess we just have different views… i think bringing the patriot act to congress and passing it was letting the public see behind closed doors… becuase we knew this stuff was going on… they just never formally admitted to it.

and yeah, recently they are claiming that they foiled another 9-11 type attack on the west coast in mid-2002.

I just printed all 132 pages got some lite reading tonight, Ya I agree to a point on the fact they created and act to really tell ya you citizens where right we are watching you. Wasn;t there something on KDKA back in Jan about secert services of FBI, violating this of some sort. Cant remember,

What happen on the West Side?

wtf are you talking about??? kerry has nothing to do with this thread. Unless kerry is secretly the one “making” our president look like a complete retard everytime he so much as opens his mouth…but i highly doubt.

As for the whole “kerry would let terroists into our country” problem…Who knows maybe bush could do a better job keeping them out. That is unless it cuts into his vacation time in texas. If thats the case then were all screwed.

Also to say “bush may not be the best president” is a fucking huge understatment. The guy is a fucking moron with an I.Q not much greater than that of a 5th grader (and i’m being generous by giving him that much). you know what, i’m sure 1/2 the people on this board could do his job and do it much better. Besides its not like bush even comes up with any of the shit that he says or does…he just does what everyone tells him to do.

Ya they got rid of the NASA program at my work… and closed are program also… I doubt he will ever want more Nuclear Power plants… take money from his family with the oil plants that run now

Need more independent space exploration, Like discovering Uranus in-depth.

I didn’t vote for Kerry nor did I vote for Bush.

To be honest, you don’t even come close to making a valid comment at all.

Do you really think the “War on terror” has stopped terrorism? All we are doing is spending a huge amount of money to deliver Americans right to the location of the terrorists. I’m not going to spend a huge amount of time discussing why we shouldn’t have gone to Iraq, but the fact is we are there and we can not leave. That’s unfortunate. Innocent lives are being lost, and that’s a shame.

So Kerry, who actually WENT to war and did not pull strings and avoid serving his country is the pussy. Bush did everything he could to avoid going to war. Who’s the pussy? Who’s family had business deals in the middle east?

I have news for you. This government has given terrorist, SUCH AS OSAMA, money and weapons. We did this back in the day with Sadam because we supported him in a little thing called the Iran/Iraq war. We supported Osama in the war against Russia.

What we need to do is stay the fuck out of other countries business.

And I can’t run for president until I’m 35…

i think he spends more time there (out of washington) then any other president…
i remember it was like 40% or something.

If we as americans where smart, Greatest way I think ot stop the war, is 100% of americans need to stop paying taxes. I would think some ppl making key descions would change there minds and actions, would be tough, but I think it would cause some ppl to use there power and oh ya and OUR money(taxes), in a better more responsible way. Think it would work?

What the fuck are you smoking? It must be good, pass it around. :shaggy:

This might win the award for most random post in Pittspeed history. The only thing you were missing was how it’s un-American to oppose a war and a president.

It has everything to do with the thread you asshole all bash bush but if he wasnt in office who would be? Kerry I was just backing my point not rambling on making no point as most of you dumbshits are doing. It doesnt really matter where he is located keeping terrorist out isnt a physical action on his part he tells people what to do…hence he is the president and all. I would stake my life on bush having a higher IQ than you and more than half of the people on the board. Thats just another example of some stupid ass coming on here rambling about shit and making no point, as usual.

you really think this would work :rolleyes:

LOL, tough part is getting everyone to agree that what we are doing over there is I guess “wrong”, ever work No way in hell. LOL just a thought that if we as a nation had the power to do so it might.

Ya but but it would never happen.

Ok after the first line of what you said your opinion doesnt matter. You didnt vote how can you complain about who is president if you didn’t even vote? haha this is a joke…me have a valid comment? your opinion is the one with no validity YOU DIDNT VOTE DUMB ASS…as far as stopping terrorism?? since 9/11 I havent seen any planes flying into buildings courtesy of the Taliban have you??? or anyother major attacks…People that are over there made the decision to enter knowing that they may end up in a war zone. I’m not condoning people being killed but they knew before what they were getting into. Bush is a pussy for not going to war?? your not over there fighting so that makes you a pussy too then right??? I dont agree with your arguement but you clearly called yourself a pussy…We arent in other countries business we are keeping our own safe…I cant wait til your 35…you got my vote…lol

this thread is totally 4-0-4

Ok first off you drive a neon your opinion doesnt matter…Second, random? no like I said I was apply facts to the info I provided I’m sick of hearing talk about how bad of a president bush is? did you vote? or was that the day you dedicated to going to buy your neon?? get a grip…and a car… :jerkit:

4 wins, 0 losses, 4 ties?

plans to crash a plan into the bank tower, or whatever the tallest building in LA is called.

would any of you Fight if asked, lets say War broke will call world war 3 over in the middle east over Oil/terrorism, knowing that other countries would be involved on both sides with Pro efforts(we should be there), Con efforts(other countries thinking we shouldn’t be there).

One ?, is there any nation in NATO that thinks this is a lost cause to sum it up. Honest ? cause I havent heard any other countries views so far?