So BUSH wants to cut all this shit?

Not Being a Dick but
What the hell does his Neon have to do with, just explain your commet further, Seems like you support Bush WHY? Just your educated thoughts.

where they connecting it to Taliban?

i think you and i would have an interesting conversation at a bar some day…

should or shouldnt of gone to iraq??? … yes / no, no matter… can we just up and leave??? no! …so i agree with you there.

bush ‘pulled’ strings… kerry went to war and pretended to be hurt to be sent home… he just happened to get a metal for it… then he threw it over the white house fence… :kekegay: oh wait, that wasn’t his, he was just making a point :kekegay: … :slight_smile:

i have news for you… democrats in the past pushed and pushed the UN… “why can’t america just disclose trust in the UN” blah blah… so we did… and what did that get us? funding going into the UN and sent out to random countries wtihout anyone’s discression… talk about funding ‘terrorists’…

who cares if his family has business in the middle east… when they bought into oil reserves dude was like 10 years old!!! wtf… people take companies off their dad’s all the time… the sheer amount of money and the pull he has int he EPA can keep a tight squeeze on oil consumption and keep us dependent, but what does it matter anyway? just like the enviormental protection the UN has in place… you CANNOT create X amount of pollution… and if your county makes enough of a product and goes past these regulations (which some are ridiculous to begin with) then you have to pay a large fee… then that fee gets given to shitty third world country’s ambassators / government without recoarse… wtf?

the UN sucks balls. if anything should be largely blamed for funding ‘terrorists’… its’ the mf’ing UN

yup… same with hussain al husannaie or whatever the fuck… same dude that had ties wtih the oklahoma city bombing… some asian government made an arrest because we beefed up security for people coming into the country and found him with plans for the attack…

currently whats happening with him?

he’s dead.


Yes if asked I would def be there I would love to actually and almost joined the army but I put my education first. Making money is more of a prioritity to me. Anyone who drives or actually paid for a neon cleary has something wrong with their thought process. I completly support bush. The war is very necessary IMO without us being over there it would lead to attacks on the US. The economy was beginning a recession before he came into office. Thats not his fault. As far as all of the funding and taxes go he is trying to produce a long term proserus nation. People are worried about the current and never the future if we kept going the way we were going we would eventually become a very poor country. I think that alot of the people on this board dislike him because he banned gay marriage. Another reason why I’m pro bush…I cant stand flamboyant homosexuals and even homosexuals in general. They should all be shipped to an island to spread aids throughout the whole population. We gave peace a chance and were attacked so how about we give war a chance?

Nice! 1 down 316431314694316546514 to go!

Hey dumb fuck - I said I didn’t vote for Bush or Kerry - I still voted. There were other people running.

We don’t have planes flying, but we have THOUSANDS of people going over there and being killed. What’s the difference. We made it easier for them.

You are the one saying Kerry is a pussy. I read your repsonse that you put money first. Perhaps you should put your education first since you are obivously one of the more ignorant people on this board.

Wow big deal George isn’t a good public speaker. I think that most people are just against him because it’s the “cool” thing to do. Most people’s lifes are that boring and unfulfilling that they just spend time bashing the president. Most the times its the undedjicated people that just want to feel important so they either say 1. Bush is an Idiot. 2. Bush is the worst president. 3. Bush is an asshole because we should never be in Iraq. You never hear anything else. Look back in history, When Hover was in presidency and al of the drama before WW2 was going down. He pretty much put it all off because he knew he was going to be out of term soon. When FDR came into term the whole ordeal snowballed on him. It’s the same thing with Clinton. Every says he was a better president because he kept all us out of Iraq, but if you go back and look at things he just held everything off. When bush came into office and 911 happened he had to go do something. What did you want him to do? Just sit back and do nothing after we got bombed? Can you honestly tell your self that? You people make me sick…

I clearly said that my education is first which inturn = money you dumb fuck…get your shit straight…your clearly the proud receipient of a GED

Get the fuck out of the country… Your and ungreatful peice of shit…

I won’t disagree about the UN. Not really my point. My point being that perhaps some of this is due to personal feelings based on his families dealings, his relationship with those people and them wanting to “kill his daddy” and based on fact or even “faulty” information. That’s how sad I think he his, he’d do this to prove a point not to mess with Texas.

I was far from a Kerry supporter. I strongly support various third party canidates since both parties are absolute crap. I refuse to vote for “the lesser of evils” as most people continue to do which leads us to these problems.

5’8" 125 soaking wet! :ugh2: :jerkit:

Right, stick to the story that it’s ungrateful because I’m upset that thousands of people die because of faulty information. Get a fucking clue.

Little off subject, show the same reactions have been made as we did in Pearl harbor, Sneak Attack---------------Then----------------------BOOOOOM your who nation is hurting now. Same, I honestly cant say it was the right coarse of action, But havent had any problems with Japan since or at least non that I have read of, other then Us spending trillions in rebuilding it?

Sorry, wrong yet again. Are you ever right about anything?

:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

well now i guess your life doesn’t mean shit to you then. And yes your rambling…your first post in this thread had absolutely nothing to do with the main topic. Now you can go back to sucking bushs dick…oh wait… your not “pro bush”. wonder what gave me that idea???

If you are so highly educated, you would know it’s you’re not your.

and what you 5’ 2" 450lbs??? get serious you asshole and say something that matters…more proof that ppl on this board have no lives and argue to argue not to make a point… go fuck your brother or something…or live on that island that i mentioned with all the other :greddy2: