So BUSH wants to cut all this shit?

I have no problem being in Afghanistan. That’s where all the efforts should be. It’s Iraq I have the problem with.

I’m typing on the internet not writing a paper or something important would you like me to go back and revise every post you made and pick out everything thats wrong with them?? must be nice making 20,000 a year…

not true…

bush is a hair shy of Technically being retarded and look at him… hes a rich mother fucker… oh wait… i’m sorry it was b/c of who his dad is that made him rich. whoops

I think its funny how this guy thinks hes hard because hes like 50, fighting with 20 year olds.

Look at every other president? Kerry came from way more money then bushg did…

yeah but kerry isn’t the retard that leads our country into a shit hole

Yeah i mean that 100,000 he gets a year for president contributes absolutley nothing to him being rich…not to mention all the other funds he receives from being president

Well, I can assure you I have never made less than that a year, even working part time but that has nothing to do with this thread. What’s wrong - can’t come up with something great to say about Bush besides blind flag waving?

Yeah its retarded imbreds like you that sit at home and collect checks from the goverment that cause more funding from the working class that lead this country in a shit hole…I want to see Kerrys IQ compared to Bushes IQ

the average vagina is 8 inches deep

I would hope not it was an exaggeration dip shit…Blind waving flag wtf? dude get serious I dont have the time or the energy to sit here and type all the pros of bush over anyother presidential canidate that ran in the past election

Talking about innocent lives being taken? Kerry supports abortion, Bush is against, sry but its not the fetuses fault that mommy and daddy didn’t wear a condom or weren’t on birth control…Kerry opposes the death penalty? yeah lets just let people do whatever the hell they want and then come live somewhere with a bed, bathroom,showers, and 3 hot meals a day. For most people in the US thats better than the lifes they lead out of prison. Oh yeah and everyone on here clearly is into cars bush keeps the required mpg at 20 and kerry wants to raise it to 36? have fun getting any kind of performance from a hybrid…if you need anymore points just let me know…

Why are you fighting with me about Kerry when I clearly said I was not a Kerry fan? I’d be making the same comments no matter who was elected and lead us in to this mess. My points have been about the war, I’m pro choice but also pro death penalty.

Also, yeah why not increase the gas milage? My 1968 Camaro gets just over 20 mpg high way. You are trying to tell me that technology has not progressed where we should be getting more. Also, look at the perfromance numbers of the Accord Hybrid. Once again, keep on showing us all the scary knowledge you have…

  1. perhaps = maybe = who knows = invalid point

  2. i’m an independent… bush was the best choice, from my reasoning.

We’ll agree to disagree. You don’t think 1 was valid, I don’t feel 2 was valid! But you at least can back up what you say. I might not agree with it but at least you research and don’t just talk out of your ass. That’s really all I ask.

it’s obvious you don’t like the president and its’ obvious that your dislike is unbased… so can we please just drop it?

you do realize that not only did kerry and bush go to the same college and were in the same groups and the same secret society, but more over that bush did better educationally than your boy kerry!

just read up on Yale and the backround of the two.

also, is it really nessicary for all the name calling???

lets take the e-balls to the street!:zzz:


my thoughts exactly