So Does Anyone Live Near Flint/Tomcyn/Frankhauser?!

Cause my rents just bought a house there. And I’m really nervous, about moving, and not having any friends :frowning:

OMG I live on Frankhauser!!!

nah I’m just kiddin, i don’t :cry:



city? where is it?

city what?

wtf willybeen.

Frankhauser & Sheridan?

hm…maplemere area.

right by jess who lives on ava la. and rachel on kim cir. :snky:

theres a lot of chill people in that area i went to HS with, but also a lot of 20-22 yo tools. i think most of them have little sisters though :tup:

is that right near the pepsi center then? If so, Beck you’re only 5 min away :eek:

amen to that.

but no comments on a few girls in that area. lol

Ahh Frankhouser…such a nice road to rip down

i live on a side street right off of Frankhauser by Flint. (pm me if you really want to know what street i live on). what street did they buy a house on? Tomcyn?


Maplemere… havent heard that used since highschool :lol: ( sweet home )

Jeff lives really close to there…call him asap to hangouts…

i meant what city? tonawanda, amherst, buffalo? GI? get the point?

where are they/?

amherst, just across maple from n. campus

well you’ll be close to me sort of. i live on sweethome.

UB north campus

jeffy is gay

:tup: +2

right in the keyser cadillac area